The four fighting methods

then you shouldnt agree with your own point
magic and fstyles are functionally similar
weapons and spirit weapons are functionally similar

I think (personally) that fighting styles have enough differences.

spirit weapons will have plenty of differences from weapons when they’re fully added. currently the only move we have is nothing like a weapon move

it doesn’t matter if the MOVES are the same.

ok then what’s your point

They themselves are programmed in the same way, therefore my joke doesn’t need this kind of dispute.

again, fighting styles are programmed in the same way as magic

wrong they take up identical slots to one another, as a savant I’m fairly certain you are forced to choose between a fighting style or another magic, implying they take up the same slot. They both require creating new skills, they both require finding scrolls to get unique skills, heck they both have fucking aura spells but renamed.

But I sure as hell don’t think so.

true, axe slash is literally blast with knockback

i sure as hell dont think spirit weapons are programmed in the same way as magic, your point?

That’s not a magic slot, of which there are three, that’s an awakening slot, which can be taken by other things unrelated.

blaa blaa blaa semantics shmantics they’re 100% coded to take up the same slots

Well shut up, because you said you think fighting styles are similar to magic, and they’re way less close than spirit weapons to weapons.

i was making a point the same as yours and you disagreed, what gives?

stocksounds the kinda guy to say that the player is a mage canonically because morden says they’re mages

Of course I know what he meant by that.

vetex agrees

You heard it here folks, spirit weapons are not weapons

Well, honestly, if he’s talking about gameplay and not lore, he’s wrong, but I bet he’s talking about lore.

spirit weapons are gifts from the gods that are distinguished from weapons
magic is a gift from the gods that is distinguishable from fighting styles


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