The four fighting methods

get spirit wall on this for the gandalf build
Gandalf's best Lord of the Rings line ...

They’re essentially a different magic system, however said magic system has a single ability and an imbue… meaning we can’t really say much about it just yet

I get that it’s unfinished, but to what we’ve been promised there isn’t much that makes it different from mages.

It’s practically another CNP’d magic with random abilities and health drain.

With it also being so similar to weapons, is there anything that makes it unique? It just gets Imbue’s, different abilities, something that is mainly a basic necessity to all other stats.

It’s way more bland then everything else I feel, I may be straight nit picking but the Vitality class overall is kinda bland and boring. If there were a system or such to it rather than just being weapons but harder to get I wouldn’t write this.

support moves

that’s the special (also lifesteal, drawback, etc. etc.)

ig ur right i’ll comment on it again when it fully releases

yall forgot to put

insert word

i though about putting skibidi in here so im just going to say boats

as a fighting method

skibidi calvus

spirit weapons are not a style of weapon. They do not require any of the Weapons stat to use. As someone with experience using a weapon, I can safely say that a fucking amulet is not the same as a rapier

This ain’t it chief

fighting styles are coded in the same way as magic therefore fighting styles are all magics

“It doesn’t need the weapon stat to use” is as good an argument of “weapon is in the name”

Maybe we should wait until we get more moves and see how spirit weapons play instead of just immediately lumping them in with weapons just because they use the same spaces? The only move we do have doesn’t even play like a typical weapon skill.

I can’t believe yall.

Just because they fulfil their own niche doesn’t mean they aren’t composed the exact same way as weapons

just because fighting styles fulfill their own niche doesn’t mean they aren’t composed the exact same way as magic
therefore fighting styles are magic

I mean, if you wanna think that, sure, I don’t agree though.

Then what’s the point of this topic :sob:

And fighting styles are composed the same way as magic, but you insist on those being different. Which leaves the only thing that could possibly make spirit weapons, weapons, that could work with your argument is that they occupy the same equip slots, but two things taking up the same space does not make them the same thing. That is a ridiculous statement to make.

Not whatever this weird argument is.

Hell, fs and magic functionally take up the same equip slots, as you will never be able to have more than 3 total of them

I think a lot of people think I’m saying that they’re in-lore just weapons. Mainly because in the case of solely gameplay, you’d be dead wrong.