The four fighting methods

Stocksounds master baiting is too easy to argue against to resist

Do y’all see why I kept fighting them

That I can make this joke post because I’m right.

ok so you were baiting

I ain’t baiting, I’m no baiter, I just have no idea why yall collectively don’t think things through.

That makes me sound really wrong, but that’s what I’m thinking right now.

magic (wavy hands go pew pew energy comes out)
strength (you punch or whack something)


spirit weapons (touch amulet pshew pshew soul go brr)
weapons (whoosh whoosh clank bonk ouch my head huert)

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Nothing I said had anything to do with lore, the only reason you have to say that gameplay wise they and weapons are the same is because they use the same slots which is dumb. Anymore than that and then fs and magic become the same by the same logic.

thats what im saying

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You’re not right at all and you should really drop this point.

Yes. Spirit weapons are similar to weapons mechanically.
No. Spirit weapons are not weapons and should not be categorized with weapons.
Vitality is the mirror to the weapons class in the exact same way that magic and fighting styles mirror each other.

If you can say one’s the same as the other but say that the other isn’t, you’re just delusional one way or another regardless of what your view is.


That’s what everyone is saying, but he’s kinda in denial

“No… It can’t be! I can’t be wrong! NOOOOO!!!”

Yall say all you want, it won’t change the facts.
A spirit weapon is just a regular weapon with different moves, no m1, temporary differences like no skill removing, and a different stat required to use them. Same template, same function, physically labelled in-game as a weapon class.

I’m so sick of this.

The fact is that you’ve done nothing but make yourself look like a complete and utter dumbass since you started this argument.

I cannot emphasize enough how much you should stop and rethink.

But it’s right!
I don’t know what to tell you. I can only make the same points over and over again that show objective truth.
They operate exactly like a strength weapon would but with minor differences.

Newgens am I right?

You argue that weapons and spirit weapons are identical but magics and fighting styles are not.
It is both or neither, be consistent in your points.

Both classes mirror the other.

You know what? I should only need my very first point from the very first time I brought this up.
In the section of a weapon where the quality is listed (which only weapons have) instead of “Old Weapon” or something, it says “Spirit Weapon”.

They should be renamed so idiots stop confusing the two.

stocksounds is the only person who has this issue no need to rename it

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