The four fighting methods


idk i was joking

Fun fact: I’m not the one who decided that spirit weapon should count as a weapon on the wiki, but I did give it the weapon template. I think everyone else was waiting for a unique one, but the weapon template works.

To this day, the “Obtained By” section still says “Speaking to Morden”

I don’t want to insult people but I can’t tell who is more unintelligent out of Sosogamer or Stocksounds.

@Sosogamer16YT2 @StockSounds me personally i wouldnt let that slide

I would, it means it’s debatable and not automatically me.

what the fuck who did this?

soifon still called you both unintelligent, its just up for debate who is most unintelligent

That’s been there since mistral. Even if I’m wrong, it’d be a little more than foolish to make a separate template for such a small group.

Good, means it might not be me.

i would change that but im not a wikian, thats rb1s domain as opposed to our great forums :pray:

There’s a different category for strength weapons which consists of a whopping 2 items.

Ah yes, a spirit weapons tab for the one spirit weapon ingame

Well, as a category on the weapons template, not as a template itself, which is good.

Well y’all would be screaming it fit was in the same section as the rest of the weapons.

No we wouldn’t, stop forcing your views on us

ok this is just wordy and confusing, can you please rewrite this

nvm you meant if it :sob:

This is what the left want
(this is not what I want, but this is what you said you want, MrYes. I would be forcing my views on you if I said otherwise.)

i think he meant making a new template for spirit weapons once there are more added

No. It belongs in here.