The Goal to Create a Forums Chatroom Post

Disclaimer: Mods, for legal reasons, ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶t̶t̶e̶m̶p̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶r̶e̶a̶k̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶u̶l̶e̶s̶,̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶i̶n̶s̶t̶e̶a̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶t̶t̶e̶m̶p̶t̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶l̶o̶o̶p̶h̶o̶l̶e̶ (Rule 15 Makes Loopholes Illegal) this is not an attempt to break the rules nor an attempt at a loophole to go around them. Instead, this is just a calling, a giving to the many forumners who may read this post, and who wish to go along with this meticulous plan that does not break any rules whatsoever.

So, you guys remember how Reminders for AO used to be this thread where people would just talk as if it were to be some kind of chatroom or general chat, prior to the Third Iteration banning such talk? That was super fun, and it gave a place for the forumners to communicate irregardless of if there was a specific topic to be discussed or if they were banned / wished to not talk in the Discord Server.
This is why I propose an idea, a way for us to bring that back without infringing upon the Reminders for AO Thread and going against its creators wishes.

Leading Up
So, after the RFAO Thread entered its Third Phase, I began to think of ways for there to be a thread similar to that once again. Alas, someone had figured it out before me, the holy tester and grub @BlazeUnicron . They had created a “General Chat” Thread (General chat (eternally dead 🇫🇷)) after the start of Reminders for AO the Threequel, and the many complaints that began in regards to it. So, we (mainly Shellseawing and AwesomeOS. We had… interesting conversation to say the least) began to talk there, assuming that it would be an experience that would last.
It immediately got closed by Cryo (for legal reasons, i must mention that this is not a diss against you, you’re just doing your job and I respect that :nod: ) under Rule 9.1.
Now, what exactly is Rule 9.1.?

Hm, this was going for a rough start. Not only did it say that you could not make a thread without a topic (Ex. General Chat Thread), but it also said that you could not stray a topic off-topic (which is, I mean, understandable, but given the situation, NOO :frcryin: ).
This completely destroyed my second plan that I was thinking of, and so, this idea went into limbo once there were no longer any ideas for how to do this.

Then, it happened. Headless released a new post, the Countdown to ESTIMATED release (Countdown to ESTIMATED release) thread by Headless.
Egad, it was the answer, but you may as yourself, “how?” Well you see-

The Plan
The plan was quite simple, really. We turn this thread into a general chat.
Now, it may be a concern for some, since going off topic on this thread would go against the rules. However, I digress, and argue that there is no such thing as off-topic on this post, and Rule 9 has no bearing against us.
But how so?

The First Fact - The post was made by Headless, our god and savior. The mod team knows that if they delete any of his posts, they’ll get kidnapped by the Forums Trading Community, and be forcefed with headless heads until they themself become Headless.

The Second Fact - The topic itself is called “Countdown to ESTIMATED release”, but to the release of what? We all know that AO is not real and never coming out, so therefore, this thread is actually the discussion for the release of NOTHING. If we do the math, Countdown to ESTIMATED release multiplied by 0 equals 0, thereby making it so that the thread itself is not real. It is but a figment of our imaginations, meaning that it technically is not a topic, meaning that it will not break rule 9 if we use it as a general chat.

The Third Coming Fact - Not a single moderator (apart from Headless, and technically Divanochi, but he doesn’t count, since he’s just a shared collective hallucination from all forumners) has approached and spoken into the CTER Post. Now why is that? Well, as I mentioned previously, the thread is not real, and is but a figment of our imagination. How far could this extend? Maybe the entire Game Discussion category, no, the WHOLE FORUM is just in our imagination.
Riddle me this, when was the last time you touched grass?
You see, the “touching grass” phrase is simply but a metaphor for reality. Stuck in our homes, all we’ve done is just dig into the desire of community, the desire to find friends and talk to those who share interests with us. The isolation, the inability to truly find happiness, forcing ourselves to play World of Magic, that is when the Forum Disease begins to take effect.

The Forum Disease - There are many variations to what may occur when this disease gets contracted, but it oftentimes results from lonely losers playing World of Magic. Befuddling even scientists themselves, they realize that unlike normal ailments, this one does not operate on “Stages” like Cancer, but “Trust Levels”. Initially, the subject appears normal, simply just indulging themselves in their “World of Magic” and refusing to go outside. The desire to escape into a reality beyond their own, this is what fuels the Forum Disease, and what allows it to take a grasp on its victims.
A discord notification maybe? Or just a curiosity to learn more about the game they love, all those who contract this illness all share some kind of delusion that they’ve found a forums page one day to their favorite game, and have met other people that enjoy the content similar to you. It’s but insanity, the “website” is just a place in their minds, conjured up to cope with the sad reality surrounding them now. It takes you in, and offers a false place of comfort that only draws you away from the truth.

They chat and chat, maybe they make new imaginary friends along the way, but their health and body only decline the more they sacrifice themself for this dream.

The deja vu, the strange feelings of boredom and discontent. Before it’s too late, before the final “Regular” Trust Level impacts the subject, an odd emotion begins to tug at them from the inside. Internally, there was always a sliver of something, the fragments of what remained of your mind trying to set itself free from the prison of your home. No more Sunlight, no more Happiness, all that remained was the anticipated release of an “Arcane Odyssey”, a phrase that gets repeated again and again by those sick with this problem. The Arcane Odyssey isn’t real, it’s just an end to a means, an end to the constant pain caused by this hallucination. Those who touch grass, those who break free of this world that was created, they never return, their fates and fight against the condition left to be unknown.

That’s why there’s no Moderators in the Post, as, clearly, the post is not real, so it’s impossible for them to moderate it!

The Final Fact - There is none

With all this information in mind, I am now calling out to all you forumners to traverse to the Countdown to ESTIMATED release Post, and talk there as if your life was on the line!
We all know that when the countdown hits its final mark, and the doors to this “Arcane Odyssey” finally open, there won’t be anything on the other side.

or just use discord lol


Maybe the real discord was the friends we made along the way

Divanochi doesn’t count cause leaders aren’t real mods :x:

Divanochi doesn’t count cause he’s not even real :white_check_mark:


is this a forums chatroom where we can talk about anything?

turn this into a copypasta

yeah we could just use discord for this idea

fish where the fuck did you find the time to write this

i spent an hour on this instead of doing something useful :frcryin:

this is a really bad idea

Ok but loophole this

As I’ve tried to reinforce many times, along with others, the forums are literally not build around having a general chat. You know, the fact that you can create topics and everything, along with the rules, and just generally how the whole system is built. Stop.

There is a forum plugin that allows a chat feature on the forum. However, I always am against adding this due to the fact that the forum is a place of thought out replies and not ‘type something random and hit enter’

Oh ok, thats fair enough
This post was kind of a joke anyways, but thanks for giving your thoughts

but the topic never closed

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now it did :slight_smile: