The good and the bad

i would put literallyloki, but before even scrolling i know that they’re already there (i never got loki’s pronouns bro its wild)

Who is this Rb1 you guys speak of?
The way you talk about him sounds like he has commit several crimes against humanity

I think he uses all pronouns if that’s how genderfluid works

Ain’t no one special on this forum :skull::skull::skull:


maybe i should change my pfp to avoid association

no, your rabbit is good

idk but im evil as fuck

no you’re cool you keep milking my notification udders

Deron is the Devil

Bro why y’all hating on people who’s biggest crime was “:sob:” reacting :skull::skull::skull:

he’s annoying asf

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@jasono17 the groomer

Actually changed my mind it’s wilde

i forgot about him ngl

Its really easy to not groom minors actually

tell that to minecraft youtubers

O H !

What the fuck

You are my op now

I’m surprised noones actually throwing hands yet, how long yall think this is gonna last?