The Knowns

Not magic energy ones.

When it comes to absorbing and making supercurses with them its the same damn thing man

How do you know it’s the same thing?

No way bro is this fucking dense
When someone absorbs any type of curse, they lose the ability to absorb others, unless they absorb them all at the same time, thats how curses work


If anything, Poseidon was probably the one who told Cursebeard about Prometheus being able to create elemental curses in the first place

Feels asinine to even say that he “wouldnt know”, he is a god who has thousands of year of magic experience and would be a prime candidate for curse knowledge

I’ll admit, I lost track that we were talking about that aspect specifically, but I mean more about the cubiness. Experimentals don’t take a cube form, so why would ANYONE know the cube physics?

a picture of a robot with red eyes and a purple background that says ' karspanda ' on the bottom

Well Vetex forgot about it too, he’s the one that dropped that info!

People can sometimes die even with curses

Source please you can’t just make shit up

Poseidon doesn’t HAVE Magic stuff, just water.

Can you pretty please stop making shit up and give me a source that he can’t create magic curses

He literally made poseidon magic

Isn’t that Arcane Reborn lore?? If not, he probably used a hecate shard.

holy shit is it that hard for you too understand a plot hole lmao

me when vetex’s unfinished haphazardly made lore has plot holes (problem with making lore dynamically)

He didn’t say they couldn’t take cube form just that they weren’t made in physical form. Heck we even have a more recent example with Octavious getting his experimental curse by having it fall and land on his corpse.


Don’t be such a bashterd >:(
Says right here, although gods can USE magic, they can’t do anything more with it than a magical creature like a human, dragon, or siren could.
They need the powers of Hecate to have all creative the fun with it.

Okay, I listen better to reason than people who are needlessly angry, and you make a good point!

Dude all it says is Hecates the only one who can gift OTHERS magic

Wasn’t he given the four by prometheus?

not canon, literally a tester magic for a fan game :skull:

And stock IS right, Poseidon’s control of water ISN’T a magic.

It’s literally just his innate ability that while it may(?) use Magic Energy is not ‘Magic’ in the sense that Humans use it, like how Zeus could manifest Grand Lightning, THOUSANDS of years before humans could even conjure the idea of magic

This is confirmed by each god having a domain, as seen with Hectate

Is it normal for forumers to say stock is right about something?

i am stock’s #1 ally, hyes it is normal :pray: