The Latest Skill Tree Suggestion

Skill Trees should be unlocked passively.

So I was watching this video:
And it discusses skill trees in great detail.
This got me to thinking. If we add a skill tree with “points” or some other system that allows players to choose skills, we end up with something at is excessively meta, that is to say, we’re adding too much UI and associated out-of-game actions.

I suggest that we have players unlock skills by doing actions. Here’s an example (ignore the stats I just randomly picked them):

Spell Sniper
You are deadly at range. +20% to spell damage past 100m. -10% to spell size.
Requirements: Do 10,000 damage at a range of >100m

Instead of having players pick and choose skills using points or some other system, players should acquire skills by doing actions and meeting requirements.
In-game, this makes more sense because the player is getting stronger by doing things repeatedly. Because the player shoots more targets from a long range, they are getting better at doing it.
This also rewards players for playing the game the way they like to play. If a player prefers to do damage at range, and rarely fights close up, then this would reward them for doing so. Other skills would reward players for various things like using blocking, staying in the air, etc.

However, there is one problem.
Certain skills will have disadvantages. The Spell Sniper skill I just mentioned would decrease magic size, which means one would have a disadvantage at CQC. Thus, I suggest players be allowed to “disable” skills.
A disabled skill would not be acquirable by the player. What’s more, disabling a skill will prevent players from acquiring any skills that require the player to have the disabled skill first. Players will be allowed to disable skills that have already been acquired, but it will also disable all skills that require the disabled skill.
Going back to spell sniper, we see that the requirement is 10,000 damage at >100 m. If someone disables this skill, even if they’ve already done 100,000 damage at >100m, if they decide to enable it again, they will need to start from 0 damage.

Lastly, players should not see the actual requirements. The real Spell Sniper description should be as follows:

Spell Sniper
You are deadly at range. +20% to spell damage past 100m. -10% to spell size.
Acquired by defeating enemies at range.

A GUI will still be necessary so that players can keep track of and disable/enable skills.


There should be a certain point where players must make a choice. All branches of the skill tree will have a specialization skill, where once acquired, the player cannot acquire the specialization skills or skills past the specialization point of other branches. This forces players to make a choice, and creates greater customization.

I will now begin listing examples of skills. Ignore all numbers, they’re just my guesstimates.

An example of a basic “statistical” skill.

Rapid Fire
You are capable of firing off blasts rapidly. +10% casting speed when using blast spells.
Acquired by firing blasts quickly.
Actual Requirements (hidden): Fire 20 individual blast spells in 15 seconds.

An example of a more complex skill.

If you wished, you could fly. 90% Gravity.
Acquired by fighting in the air.
Actual Requirements (hidden): Complete 3 fights without touching the ground once, from the moment combat begins to the moment it ends. Must be done without using hover spells.

An example of a unique skill.

Named Weapon
You have used this weapon so often, it has become a legend of it’s own. +1 Named Weapon.
Acquired by using a single weapon for a long time.
Actual Requirements (hidden): Deal 10,000 damage using a single weapon.
Details (hidden): The player’s weapon that dealt said damage becomes a Named Weapon, which has boosted stats. It can then be named by the player.

I am attaching a picture of a conceptual skill tree and explaining it.



This category is devoted to magic alone. Pretty self-explanatory. Includes skills like Rapid Fire and Spell Sniper. Has specialization.


Devoted to statistical skills. Wanna be a tank? Want to be a ninja? This is the skill tree for you. Includes skills like Airborne. Has specialization.


Devoted to weaponry. Includes skills like Named Weapon.


An interesting category that does not have specialization. Includes small individual skill branches and even individual skills. Ideas include Shark Slayer, Legendary Fisherman, Master Trader, etc.


As you can see, some skills overlap. This means that it is possible to acquire said skill through two branches. This does not mean that one can cross to another branch.

And I think that’s it! If you have any questions/criticism/ideas please put them in the replies below.

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You know, I think it should’ve been a bit shorter, now that I look at it.

Isnt there already a job skill tree or am I going nuts?

This is so cool

This sounds like a really interesting idea, it would be cool to see a game do something like this.

Mans really not trying to get this slapped for low effort. Respect. Gonna be a vote from me bossman

I am the master of internet forum essay writing.

I like the idea, but I REALLY dont like that the actual requirements are hidden. It would be too hard to properly figure out what the vague hint actually means. Take vote

That’s true, but I don’t really want people to just randomly grind stuff.
For example, if we had one called Mulcher (don’t take this seriously)

You are amazing at… turning trees into rubble. +10% Destruction against trees.
Acquired by destroying trees.
Actual Requirement (hidden): Destroy 200 trees.

If people knew about it they could just destroy 200 trees until they’re done to get the skill and for no other purpose, especially since it’s a pure benefit with no downsides. Imagine if that were, say, a damage buff. People would just be doing stuff for the sake of the skills, which isn’t exactly what I want to promote.

true… Okay, maybe make the requirement hints a little more clear. The descriptions I had a real problem with are: airborne, because who is going to randomly stay in the air for an entire fight without touching the ground, and spell sniper, honestly, this one just has too big of a damage requirement

I mean the numbers I just came up with off the top of my head, they’ll obviously need revision.

But yes the hints could be more clear. But they still need to be relatively short since we don’t have all that much space, especially if mobile support happens.


Pointless grind to make it harder to play how people want to play, pog.

…would you prefer a system where you get idk skill points every 10 levels or something?
I mean, do you have other ideas?
Or do you think skill trees are altogether a bad idea (a valid point they’re something extra) for AO.

  • would make sense for players to gain a skill for actually doing a thing
    but these seem like skills you only get late game (10k damage), and im not sure what skills you would be able to get early game just like that (maybe something like jump boost for spamming jump 50 times i dunno)
    also, i dont believe skills should be hidden from players
  • got confused on disable skills
  • not sure how specialization works if players don’t know how to get skills and may accidentally go into a branch they did not intend to?
    adding to that, not sure how skills will be laid out since requirements for them are hidden (are they linearly unlocked, or is it just a huge list of them all?)
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I’d prefer getting points naturally, whether that be through levels or a different stat. Profession skill trees would gain points for doing their profession, etc. It’s easier to make builds for and doesn’t feel like a Tank. (Didn’t mean to link) io game, even if it’s a bit generic, it’s fun.

I did say that

It’s not that they’re hidden, it’s the requirements that are hidden to prevent grinding solely for the point of getting the meta.

This is basically so that you can make sure you don’t get skills you don’t want, and also lets you “disable” skills you don’t like. The thing is that if you disable a skill you’re disabling the skills after it as well.

They can disable said skills and then it’s all fine.

Well you can look at the picture I helpfully attached.

I haven’t played tank. io so could you explain this a little?

Once you invest into something, you lose possible aspects of other things. Say, if the first tank upgrade you picked was sniper, you’re never gonna become a machine gun ball thingy. It can still be fun but that’s because that game is made to be resettable, you’re suppose to be able to try every build. But with what you described, I’d you didn’t disable an ability and got it, you’re out of luck and now can never use what you want to use optimally. Skill trees with a point system wouldn’t have the same problem because the interface is simple, you pick what you’re building to.

That is true. A simple point based system might work in a similar way, but if you’re going to have a skill tree you want to make it so that one cannot acquire all the skills.

However, it will still be possible to try everything, if you’re willing to disable and reenable skills and acquire just about everything.

The advantage of a linear system is that you can make it so that certain skills are “top tier” and thus stronger than earlier skills. This does, however, conflict with customization.

Personally I think a tree is better, but in the end it is up to the majority whether they want greater customization or something else.