The MC isn't actually the decendent of a god (maybe)

Ong. Have you SEEN the back half of his statue in the temple?!

Lowkey he might be onto nothing

Someone using Spirit Energy and Magic Energy at the same time is potentially 2x more damaging to another person than just using either one on its own in lore. Its actually cracked just thinking abt it, just that the gameplay doesnt really… show that.

Humans both have Magic and Spirit energies in them (tho, not the same way like how Gods were created from both Creation and Chaos).

Spirit Energy harms someone because the energy clashes with another’s Spirit Energy. The same is said with Magic vs Magic, that why Curse Users get injured when coming in contact with the sea. (Because their magic clashes with the magic pollution in the sea)

Some Mages are already capable of becoming quite powerful, few even rivalling Curses, which MC defnitely has the potential of reaching even with Magic alone. Now try doubling that with Spirit Energy.

MC being a Legacy potentially gives them a higher power ceiling compared to most because they can use both Magic and Spirit, and at the same time. They just need more training, and also learn how to use Spirit Energy imbue. They probs already knew how to use Spirit Energy in the past since they own a Spirit Weap, and theyre a Mage too. So the foundation for that is already there.

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When you get spiritual imbuement for the vitality classes your awakening is literally aided by Poseidon :skull:.

It shouldn’t be a shocker that our player is able to at least imbue spiritual energy from a spirit weapon after our awakening.

Awakening isnt canon…

All Poseidon give was a dmg boost power boost. MC could imbue from the start, just need training

There was this portion of lore where people could cast magic directly from the soul, but it would take a toll on the user

I don’t think it’s the same thing.

I just got to the Morock part in the webcomic

Morock is fire :fire:(promethean)

I like when he said “Hey, it’s me, Morock Creed” and then he killed everybody with a giant Promethean Flame AOE attack

me too brother, me too.

i see the enlightenment has struck you :pray:

Prove that it isn’t then since it’s brought up in game.

Awakening is so canon, bro, what is bro going on about.
Warren gives a full explanation on how it works.

Its been confirmed by Vetex, theres a screenshot of him saying it somewhere. (Ive seen the same screenshot a few times before, so Im not imagining it)

He explained that he only added Warren explaining it to explain the game mechanic, not for actual lore (I just need to find the screenshot, its out there)

pretty sure they meant this


If that’s the case, then it’s a case of Vetex using an in-lore explanation for the game mechanic to be like that, rather than saying Awakenings are non-canon.
It’s just that they wouldn’t have been canon unless they were to be used for this.

Thank you! Dang it, I need to download every screenshot now, somehow I didnt do it for this one :sob:

Moreso but not completely excluded from the lore. It’s more likely that the awakening stuff is gameplay, and awakening itself isn’t purely gameplay only. Awakening probably exists, just not in a “suddenly I can imbue” or something manner. The most actual awakening kind of awakening is probably mages learning a 2nd magic.

They probably call it an awakening, because it’s like everybody who gets it done feels like the answer was right in front of them the whole time.

The true awakening is going to be our honored one moment (totally going to happen).

real as hell, I hate having to scour the forums or discord for some obscure post on the lore vetex made. even worse if the post is a screenshot from the patreon or higher level vetcord chat that I don’t have access to :sob: