The MC isn't actually the decendent of a god (maybe)

But thats the entire point of Awakening. In lore, its just moving on to better your skills, you dont exactly call that an “Awakening” irl. MC likely just gets sent away to better hone their skills to prepare for the war.

First awakening could be called a “False Awakening” later in Nimbus. Give us an actual awakening in Nimbus as our “2nd Awakening”. Then we can go from there.

Uhhh??? Thats just making it up now. Yall ignoring the post

Idk, it shouldn’t be called awakening if it’s not an awakening. It’s more of the MC gaining insight or enlightenment into a technique or something. Only thing I consider an awakening would be mages 2nd mind, since that was a big event in AA and important to the story.

But theres still the game mech of choosing your class build. Theres another screenshot out there that had Vetex say that he only had Warren explain “Awakening” just so that the game mech is explained to the player. Its purely for the gameplay. While its isnt “Awakening” in lore, it is “Awakening” for the game. And this is still a game.

I think maybe it’s sort of a physical unlock.

I’ve heard it made out like this:
The player needed like 100 points in mind and 100 points in physical skill to get their awakening, but they only had that quota filled for physical skill from the Calvus fight, and the meditation and help from Sea Daddy were to get the mind quota to it’s goal.

I… dont think thats how it works? Its just mastering your skills and then moving on to another. Simple as that.

Since it’s mostly dialogue, I don’t think it’ll affect the game too much to go back and change it. It does need to get reworked, and if it being called an “Awakening” remains; then it should be questioned if it truly was one. It already is to an extent, the MC isn’t sure they awakened. Warren also said it would’ve been clear if we did, like us becoming enlightened iirc.

Well, if it were that simple, then what did Poseidon even do?

That’s probably something that’ll be more clearly answered later in the story

He probably just gave us a portion of his remain power to us, as he was fading. And he said we were the most worthy, so judging from that, it seems he passed on a small part of his power.

I actually do see your point, with things like second fighting styles and stuff there’s obviously no awakening to suddenly being able to learn a second one.

But with the gimmicky stuff like second magics, imbuements, or even stuff like the iron leg coating, there’s probably an “aha!” moment where you first achieve it - and then from there you practice more to make it a natural thing

Kinda like how someone can have an “aha” moment when doing a backflip or some other skill that gives them the confidence to improve further

If he passed on his power, then why did it help gain a new skill?

When I got the NPC pathfinding for my game to work I got an awakening.

I think it would be better if it was explained away later as our “awakening” being Poseidon granting us a subconscious insight into what we were best at in the moment, or what we needed for our progression.

Thats just gameplay mech, in lore, MC was already going around and honing their skills prior (they were gone for 9 days).

Thats why the Rill Hendrix quest exists, when you talk to Rill Hendrix for that Dodge Reflex, youll see MC is seeking his help to better hone their skills to prepare for the war.

What Poseidon gave was likely just a power boost (kinda says that in the game description)

I like that one.

Not sure what you mean by physical unlock but I think that’s kinda how it works for the gameplay mechanic, we got all our “points” for the body through our constant fighting but needed more “points” for the mind, thus all the meditating. I don’t think this is how it works outside the game tho

Points as sort of a metaphor, that is.

Also, its hinted that all side quests in-game, MC actually did them in lore (as they needed to meditate in a cave that would only be found via a side quest, and theyre well known enough that GN knows their name)

Theres only two timeskips that allows room for this: between Frostmill and Stepstones (17 days I think?) and the “Awakening” Quest (9 days).

What Im trying to say, is that MC was def doing more than just “meditate”, they were likely training too while helping people.