HELLO BOYS! TODAY, we will be hosting our SECOND ANNUAL NOBLE HUNTING EVENT! this event will consist of Suncry, azure sorcery, official cooking association, LATOM ,Dracolyn, Astra AND Travelots ALL hunting those FUCKING (i HATE NOBLE) NOBLE MEMBERS (FUCK THEM) Until the end of WOM!. We will use bad clients with bows and daggers in order TO TAKE THEM DOWN (SERIOUSLY FUCK NOBLE). In order for us to ALL have fun, we must EACH spawnkill ONE NOBLE per server!!! EVENT STARTS RIGHT NOW, SO KILL THOSE NOOBLES (i said noobles like its noble but with an extra o like noob so they are mocked) AND LET THE HUNT BEGIN!
(Reminder: If you get killed by a noble member, you will be doxed and kicked from the event)