The Order might actually be a conspiracy of up to eighteen different factions... (Aesir's Influence Part 2)

DISCLAIMER: All of this is a theory and is unconfirmed. Also, if you haven’t read my post “A thought I had”, go check it out as it provides context to some stuff here and is part 1 of the Aesir’s Influence theory (Would put link but idk how I’m new)

So the two major Order members we know, Calvus and Argos, are the leaders of separate factions: the Ravenna Realm and the Bronze Legion respectively. And yes I know that the Bronze Legion are technically the armed forces of the Ravenna Realm but hear me out.

If you look closely at the Order UI, you’ll see purple strings connecting the High Lords to their respective Barons, showing that the High Lords are controlling those Barons, as we know. My belief is still that the High Lord’s primary faction controls the Barons’ primary factions.

So I do believe Jorund is the second Baron so I think the Ravenna Realm control the Jaw Pirates (more on that in part 1), but that’s not my point.

I am convinced there is someone above the High Lords, who for now we will just call Aesir. Aesir is the true leader of the Order, so I think the Order controls the Ravenna Realm, which in turn controls the Bronze Legion and possibly the Jaw Pirates. This would therefore apply to the other five High Lords and other ten Barons. Not counting the Order, that puts a total of eighteen factions under the influence of Aesir, hence the name of the theory being Aesir’s Influence.

As said in Part 1, just a theory, so take it with a grain of salt, but if this is true, the War Seas could be more at risk than we realised.

Also no, there will be no schedule for more posts in the Aesir’s Influence series, it is just when I make another realisation I will put out a post.

Have a great Arcane Odyssey!

  • Syka

Ngl straight yap but also makes sense. At this point the fact that jorund and the jaw pirates have no explanation for existing and that there is a missing baron who is not related to ravvena just adds up to practically a guarantee that the jaw pirates are involved somehow

But you are forgetting something, General Argos, funnily enough is a general. And there is always someone who controls the generals (calvus). General Julian is living proof that there are more than one generals so Argos being the leader of them all doesnt even make sense, since Julian is clearly stronger than argos. But yeah, it kinda makes sense but there are some holes in the theory

Tldr: Argos doesnt lead the bronze legion, because calvus controls the generals anyway

Ok TBF idk what tldr means lol. Also I see your point, but seeing as the Bronze Legion is a subsidiary of the Ravenna Realm and Calvus rules the Ravenna Realm we have to settle for the next best thing. Also there’s the fact that Argos is the strongest, most important, and most respected general in the Bronze Legion so he may as well be the top authority not counting Calvus. The Aesir’s Influence theory is just that, a theory, so naturally there’ll be a few holes. I welcome all criticism though so I can make adjustments in future posts

too long didnt read (basically a summary)

Oh okay

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Argos is not the most powerful general and that is a fact. It says specifically in the lore that non magic users can never become as powerful as magic users. And since Julian is a curse users he is not the most powerful general by far

I always forget Julian has a curse

Actually I think speaking realistically surely Argos has the Cloud Curse if he stabbed Beringer with a Devourer? How do curses work for people who don’t use magic

the curse isnt given to the person who uses the devourer it just kinda pops down next to the dude who just got stabbed

Nah the cloud curse is in the ravvena curse vault I think. Also if Argos had obtained the cloud curse himself he would have used it in the boss fight, since they stabbed Beringer before the player gets to cirrus in the story

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This theory is 100% yap.

Whilst the structure of Aesir may be akin to a coalition of several parties, that has no support from what we’ve been told. The Order in itself picked up Calvus at a young age, Ravenna at no point before this had affiliations with the Order.

And even if Ravenna had hired the Jaw Pirates in a faux attack of Redwake to highten tensions, it would not make sense. Ravenna’s #1 goal is to become the hegemon of the Bronze Sea, something they HAD achieved, but had slowly been losing their grip post Thorne War.

The last Bronze sea Baron could be a Jaw Pirate, but that would make no sense to me personally, as the Jaw Pirates have no authority pass the Jaws, which are broke apart from the hidden treasure of that one guy. My personal theory is that the Bronze Sea Baron is either part of Greenwish, or has connections in the regional sector of the Grand Navy, feeding information to the Order.

For the information on how a devourer works, Darkshadow’s explanation is good.
For the answer on how curses work for people who don’t use magic, it doesn’t change much. Durza was still able to use his curses despite being magicless. + Elemental Curses are physical.

Bronze legion is under Ravenna regardless, so I’d count it and the Ravenna realm as one thing unless you want to count groups within factions as their own factions. But if you don’t I have a feeling that at the very least a good portion of the barons work under their high lords like Argos does for Calvus.

Fair point fair point. COUNTER ARGUMENT: If they’re losing their grip they aren’t just going to let that slide. They’d want all the help they can get to reach that position again.

P. S. I never said Ravenna had any involvement prior to Calvus joining, I meant that Calvus joining might mean that the Ravenna Realm could theoretically, allow Calvus to force all of the Ravenna people to help the Order. I respect your disapproval and I will take feedback, but I will also try to back my theory

I think all of them do

Also for the purpose of the theory I do count them as separate factions, yes, because in some ways they are

Tbh it doesnt even make sense that the bronze legion are counted as a separate faction. They are ravvena anyway, not even separated whatsoever

Are you really saying Ravenna is trying to regain their position by allowing pirates to seize territory protected by a foreign nation? This would cause not only the beginning of further piracy in the north, which could even span all the way over to Ravenna’s own territory of Frostmill, but Sameria becoming more active in the Bronze Sea. Not a good idea.

They have a separate island as their base for starters. And again - I see your point but in some ways that backs this further because it shows that Ravenna control the BL (which we knew anyway) to a high level, even within the Order

Alr fair actually I have no counter to that