The Order might actually be a conspiracy of up to eighteen different factions... (Aesir's Influence Part 2)

Does that make bronze sea navy a separate faction to the grand navy as a whole because they have silverhold as there base? Fort Talos is just a strong point for the army.

The Bronze Legion and Ravenna are the same thing. Thats like saying the United States Armed Forces are seperate from the United States


Fair enough but also no.

They are far from the same thing - granted all Bronze Legion soldiers are part of Ravenna, but by saying they’re the same thing, you’re saying all Ravennates are part of the Bronze Legion which is inaccurate

Honestly I think we might be a bit spoiled with having ravvena being part of the order. There are only 6 high lords, and assuming the barons are tied to the high lords somehow this means only 6 factions actually have links to the order. Being exposed to a kingdom that already is part of the order so early on kinda made the player base think every faction is going to be part of the order, even thouvht there isnt enough room for that many.

I hope that made a bit of sense since it was a bit of a tangent

Brother what…?

No offence but, do you even understand how a military works??
“guh…?? the united states army isnt part of america… if it was i’d be a marine!!!”

No. The Bronze Legion is the broad term for Ravenna’s Military and Navy. They are not separate in the slightest. They are the same, because they are part of 1 entity, “The Ravenna Realm”. (you might want to try research what the word, “realm” means.)

Yeah I get you

Well I never said “if it was I’d be a marine” mostly because I’m not American but that’s an unnecessary tangent. My point is they’re not the same thing because:

  • Even though all Bronze Legion are part of Ravenna
  • NOT all Ravenna are part of Bronze Legion

Also when did I say US army isn’t part of US

Ok now I’m getting deja vu from the bad trade == scam argument

bro I cant even… this has to be bait

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wallahi im finished…
bro might be the most special individual i’ve ever had to speak against

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Bro how is this anything like that? Just curious

How am I even meant to take that

take that as,
“i should try research before i further this argument of which i dont know anything about.”

(go research what the term “REALM” means in a political sense)

Sayijg that vromze legion doesn’t equal ravvena and saying scam doesn’t equal bad trade. Do you see the similarities

Ok TBF yes but this time I’m actually justified because saying BL and RR are the same thing would mean everyone in RR is in BL

Literally a kingdom, what is your point

bro has a forcefield around his mind preventing logic from entering through :sob::pray:

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