The Order might actually be a conspiracy of up to eighteen different factions... (Aesir's Influence Part 2)

Okay now I’m actually mildly offended

If you don’t explain what your point is and instead just act toxic, I’m going to keep assuming you don’t actually know your point

Because what else should I do

You’re telling me that “The Bronze Legion and Ravenna aren’t the same thing”…

You are taking 2 halves of 1 whole (which aren’t even halves, they have the exact same governmental structure, under 1 absolute Monarch) and saying they aren’t the same. They are.

The interests of the Legion are the interests of Ravenna, vice versa. The Ravenna Realm is the whole of these 2 semi-separated forms of enacting government.

You are actively avoiding my counterpoint. If they were the same thing, everyone in Ravenna would be part of the Bronze Legion

Brother I’m DEAD if that’s what you’re taking away. I’m not even gonna continue, i’m going to pray the next guy can drill the sense into that skull

Ok bye mate

When I say work under like Argos does, I mean like how even without being a baron, Argos is still under Calvus as a general for his king’s army. I know that all Barons work under a highlord, I just mean that a lot of them probably just work directly under them within the same kingdom/faction.

this is too funny

Does everybody in your country work for the army?
I dont think so

i…i think that’s the point syka’s trying to get across here…

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Idk man this guy confuses me

That’s my exact point

But like, a kingdom’s army is still part of that kingdom.

Never said it wasn’t?

Either I am stupid and naive, or… But I think Neviro will be our enemy in the future Lol, and possibly replace calvus as a High Lord since the fker died

So… why are you considering the BL separately?

hes the greatest baiter of the century ngl i actually fell for it

Dear god, the Bronze Legion is a part of Ravenna but not all of Ravenna is a part of the legion, that’s the dang point that’s trying to be thrown around here.

The military of one country is a part of the country itself, but the military isn’t the entire country.