The Peacekeeper vs The Warrior of Liberation Monkey D Luffy

Both characters are driven towards their goal because of a major figure in both respective verses.
Both characters go against the evil of the world.
Both characters become very powerful over a short period of time.
Disclaimer: One Piece’s world is much bigger than AA world thinking that the world has not grown but is only ‘a twist in mythology.’
So Monkey D Luffy’s attacks destructively maybe more powerful than the Peacekeeper’s
All things go no limitations with missing abilities just straight hands with what they have as of now.

Are you talking about AA’s peacekeeper or just AO’s ? If you’re talking about AA’s then he’d solo Luffy in every way possible

Both ig AA peacekeeper and AO peacekeeper is the same person thinking that AO comes not too long after AA’s story concludes.
(Remember Monkey D Luffy gear 5 was able to reflect projectiles like Blast Breath that could destroy a large mountain easily this could go the same with magical abilities)

AA’s peacekeeper is a completely different person from AO’s, they’re not related in any way.

I’m talking about AA peacekeeper + AO did not give the main character a nickname quite yet.

Just say it’s AA’s and not AO’s :exploding_head: .
But AA’s Peacekeeper would easily defeat Luffy there is simply no way Luffy can win :confused:

luffy the fraud gets fodderized

ao’s mc isn’t called the peacekeeper, that’s a unique title for aa’s mc

also we aren’t really keeping peace, we uprooted an entire kingdom


Pk nodiffs luffy

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fraudkeeper gets slammed

AO’s main focus is to uncover who they truly are before getting dementia and we just “get abit silly” and no diffs a whole kingdom.

Thank you somebody said it :skull:

As much as I like luffy power of imagination does nothing when guy you fight can absorb it

(Im not sure if absorbtion curse only absorbs magic and other curses)

It is only stated briefly in the lore that the Absorption Curse can absorb Magical energy which is stated by Vetex is essentially the life essence of anything seeing that Luffy can only attack through physical contact Peacekeeper with the absorption curse gets a massive advantage in terms of physical combat knowing that luffy may not know what the absorption curse is even with advanced observation haki he will get demolished sadly. :frpensive:

Peacekeeper wins with a high diff

Best part of it is that JOJO STILL SOLOS

Iggy solos neg diff

And dio burns iggy alive

Iggy better

Rear Admiral Adkins dog walks both fraudkeeper and monkey d goofy


Ik but listen.

Iggy solos AO, dio burns iggy alive, dio dies to kid, adult version of kid gets beaten by priest.

It means Jojo solos even Jojo.