The Peacekeeper vs The Warrior of Liberation Monkey D Luffy

im going to maul you with a apple

I genuinely have no words for what I just watched

I wonder if we could kill him with guns

Hear me out. Guns with sea prism stone bullets?

Luffy when pk throws him at the ocean

pk with gravity magic

man I just realised I could’ve said luffy is toonforce and won the argument

wait hold on I just realized what’s stopping Luffy from just turning all the pk’s attacks into rubber lol

physically touching them

how in gods name do you touch gravity

I mean he touched lightning

nvm don’t got an answer lol

Man the PK is really busted compared to most characters in fiction.

luffy’s actually immune to regular guns since the start of the series

lightning’s actually physical tho

No you couldn’t have because he doesn’t

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