The problem with Diving Points

a friend of mine hopped off a boat to shadow multiblast the hell out of a white eyes without knowing he was next to one of the deeper diving spots

we saw him get torn to shreds by tiger sharks

That’s odd my Flintlock shots do normal damage if that was changed I haven’t even noticed it.

Hadn’t been added to the game yet, it’s in the next patch

Ah thanks for the heads up I’m glad I got diver before the shark buff lol


I kinda understand where you’re coming from, and instead of just saying WhY dOnT yOu JuSt CoOk? I will pose a suggestion/question:

What if you were able to regain stamina underwater without ground by sinking while still?

LMK what you think, or if I’m a dumbass

okay so

i deal around ~190 dmg with my wind blast
i set them to 20 blast, and use the dragon head shape, each deal around ~20 dmg, for a total of 400 dmg

half of that is 200 dmg

from what i saw, attachment deal at most 50dmg

yeah im still gonna throw hand with them, fck them attachment

It’s a slow and tedious process but it’s kinda worth it if you master the ways. However, that doesn’t apply to me because I GET STUCK OR NOTHING WORKS SERVER-SIDE EVERY 5 MINUTES JUST WHEN I GET A FEW SEALED CHESTS ON MY DAMNED SHIP JUST WHY

aww hell its juggernaut, except u R ther juggernaut

Not anymore tho (in the next patch)


i already reduced my dmg by 50%

attachtment deals like 30-40 dmg rn, 25%+ will barely be 50dmg

If you line up every shark in the server, they could probably span from Ravenna to Frostmill Island

So just walk on them

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My fire/explosion magic mage:

Love is in the air?





Eat some food which can reduce stamina cost and increase stamina regen

Update: Diving Points no longer suck. With the addition of the Revealing Potions, reductions to the spawn rate of sharks, and the existence of Breathing Gems makes Diving Points actually fun and bearable. The stamina drain isn’t too bad.

this was actually what i was gonna comment, just use the bootleg esp

Revealing potions.

But clearsight, which I thought was gonna help a lot originally… it uh… it kinda sucks.

I wouldn’t say SUCK but they’re completely outclassed by revealing in every way, not to mention you need like tier 3 to actually have use unlike reveal which is useful even at tier 1