Why a PvP toggle is bad for the game:
The game is designed and balanced around global PvP. Cargo runs, dark sea runs and treasure charts are all balanced around having global PvP and without it, they become risk-free, which ruptures the balance of the game. It takes away all tension and clan servers will just become infamy battlegrounds where nobody does anything else in the game, and normal servers will just be where everybody funnels into to do any part of the game that isnt PvP because that’s just what’s optimal. High reward zero risk is poor game design.
Vetex, you need to realise a catch with the 12,000-600 voting result. Only 0.01% of the 12k bots actually play the game. The 600 people are the majority of the 1k current players. I know this is true because when I stated this in chat the 12k voters all said yes, they don’t actually play. This is obviously fucked up.
How to fix this:
I propose a split in the game. Call this Realms (just like in MMOs like WoW) The 12 year old blox fruit ‘players’ with 0 skill that are unable to do anything other than grind mindlessly and the useless casuals nobody cares about who only want to play the game for the story and then quit once they’re done all get a special little safe space for themselves. This is the Baby realm. It’s a type of server where you cant join or make any clans including the gravy and syndicate and where renown doesnt exist. You can’t PvP at all outside of duels.
Now, the real players who actually engage and stick with the game are PvPers. We bring the playtime and the profit. So we get the PvP realm. All the servers in the PvP realm, the game acts just like normal, as it is now.
Now here’s the important part: Files made on Baby servers cannot be transferred to PvP servers, and vice versa.
Boom! Everyone’s happy!
I don’t have suggestions perms but if someone would make one in my name I’d be very grateful.
Any questions? Shoot one!