The PVP toggle will ruin the game. Here's my idea for an alternative that will 100% please everybody

Why a PvP toggle is bad for the game:
The game is designed and balanced around global PvP. Cargo runs, dark sea runs and treasure charts are all balanced around having global PvP and without it, they become risk-free, which ruptures the balance of the game. It takes away all tension and clan servers will just become infamy battlegrounds where nobody does anything else in the game, and normal servers will just be where everybody funnels into to do any part of the game that isnt PvP because that’s just what’s optimal. High reward zero risk is poor game design.
Vetex, you need to realise a catch with the 12,000-600 voting result. Only 0.01% of the 12k bots actually play the game. The 600 people are the majority of the 1k current players. I know this is true because when I stated this in chat the 12k voters all said yes, they don’t actually play. This is obviously fucked up.

How to fix this:
I propose a split in the game. Call this Realms (just like in MMOs like WoW) The 12 year old blox fruit ‘players’ with 0 skill that are unable to do anything other than grind mindlessly and the useless casuals nobody cares about who only want to play the game for the story and then quit once they’re done all get a special little safe space for themselves. This is the Baby realm. It’s a type of server where you cant join or make any clans including the gravy and syndicate and where renown doesnt exist. You can’t PvP at all outside of duels.
Now, the real players who actually engage and stick with the game are PvPers. We bring the playtime and the profit. So we get the PvP realm. All the servers in the PvP realm, the game acts just like normal, as it is now.
Now here’s the important part: Files made on Baby servers cannot be transferred to PvP servers, and vice versa.

Boom! Everyone’s happy!
I don’t have suggestions perms but if someone would make one in my name I’d be very grateful.
Any questions? Shoot one!


i agree all those ppl who voted play the game for 50 min at each update

2/10 ragebait


How is this ragebait?

obviously insulting

same with this

implying that the others aren’t real players

implying premium payouts don’t exist


besides, i don’t grind mindlessly nor do nothing but play the story. i’m a completionist and i enjoy all of the game’s content (yes, even exploration tasks, theyre my goat)

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Cause it’s insulting doesn’t mean it’s ragebait. All of my points are still true lol

Also note that I said “we bring the playtime”
Premium payouts are based on playtime, mate.

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cargo runs i get it, but they could make it so pirate ships could spawn to swarm the cargo holder
dark sea runs hell nah bruh the light of noble doesnt shine upon you pal
treasure charts? why does global pvp tie into those? you have the same chance of dying from other factors

0.01% of 12000 is 1.2
i get that this is hyperbole but still this aint true

maybe they don’t play… because of global pvp? i’ve seen several people state that in the chat

if anything the blox fruit players would shit themselves at the sight of this game because it’s not “kill 5 bandit” and vetex would shit himself at you saying that and ban you on the spot

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Make some higher quality bait, man. I’m bored, so I’m taking it. But seriously, improve your bait creation skills. Got too tired for respect part way through.

Story drive game, not an openworld PvP game. Yes, Openworld PvP exists. However, many players (including me) complained about it to the point the toggle is being added. Not everyone is here for open world PvP, some are here for the story, or to take in the sights. Seriously, take a minute at the Myriad on a clear day and admire the view.

Calling twelve THOUSAND people bots is a massive overgeneralization and a highlights your point of view in this. They simply may not touch the game as much between updates (as there’s nothing to do). You then proceed to claim that the 600 who voted against are the majority - this claim has no evidence and I can refute it based off my personal experiences. I encounter players who engage in PvP regularly (hereby defined PvPer) in around 1/3 servers, with one or two a pop. The rest are generally filled with players going through the story or minding their own business.

A toggle is better than splitting it into servers, for a couple main reasons. First off, what if a player without any prior knowledge made a PvP file and didn’t like the PvP? They’d simply have to restart the game from scratch, which isn’t very fair to them considering they didn’t have any information to make the decision off of.
There’s also a decent amount of problems you’ve present with the PvE servers. Renown is a core part of the game - Town NPCs will react to it, allows for rivals, and more. Removing that simply because a player doesn’t want to engage with PvP for whatever reason just isn’t fair to them. It’d also take more development time to add PvE/PvP files, and would present a challenge for existing files. Would there simply be an option to choose, or would they be forced to one side?

PvP may keep the game alive between updates, yes, however the lifeblood of the game is PvE. Even some non-PvP players consistently engage with the game, despite the lack of content. Be it grinding for a new build, gunning for 100% completion, making those sweet, sweet galleons, or just chilling. All of these give a decent amount of playtime - not as much as PvP, but between the new players going through the story and the players whom stick around, it adds up. PvP players aren’t more valuable just because there’s a lack of content.

Lastly, to address the very obvious biases and hatred oozing from your writing. Branding PvErs who would prefer to not engage in PvP as babies is disgusting behavior. As I’ve mentioned previously, there’s more to AO than just PvP. Sadly, people like you can’t get it through their heads that this isn’t Arcane Battlegrounds.

You’re the type of person who this will negatively impact. You’re horrified at the prospect of losing the ability to feel good about yourself by killing people who just want to experience the game, so you go on the forums and protest it, despite the majority of the AO playerbase agreeing with the change. I bet you even made your forum account specifically to bitch about this.

TL;DR: Suggested change bad, PvP Toggle good, ganker bad. Also, suggestion out of suggestions.


also i forgot to mention

they pretty much are :skull:

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Guys it’s so joever the 12k voters just wanna sabotage the game

I have no doubt that vetex doesn’t have roblox as his main consistent money source rather it’s patreon, get ur facts right nub :nerd_face::point_up_2:

No u dont, global pvp is the only source of risk in treasure charting

nvm guys he likes my idea he gets a pass

i didnt realize only 1.2 people actively played arcane odyssey and voted yes

i have pvped like once and have around 150 hours combined on my “main” files, and have like 70k galleons, unless ur talking about robux ig?

ok im just gonna say i have not encountered anyone once while doing any of these, not saying it doesnt happen. like, going from sameria to redwake, i havent been attacked by a single player. maybe because most people dont attack ships, cargo is hidden when you go from nimbus to bronze hides your cargo, and npc ships cant really catch up

i think a blox fruits player would have a seizure if they werent able to kill 8 snowmans smh
also ur entire suggestion is just… weird?

calling people who want to play the game normally without pvp babies is… wild tbh

wait a second why isnt it called the pvp baby realm or something like that

tldr pvp toggle good you should never cook again grr :angry:

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whirlpools, rough seas, sea monsters, and high level criminal npcs:

anyways it is sort of a risk-reward thing cause for every high level criminal npc you kill, you get another chart, but you also run the risk of dying if you get cocky
for lower-tier charts there’s less risk because they obviously are easier to get

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I mean frankly, aphotic, people like you are a cancer on this community and game, the sooner the PvP toggle is implemented and you quit because you can’t gank low levels anymore, the better.

nobody will miss having you around here.


Even bait quality dropped, that’s how bad the economy is :sob:


Not gonna lie, Arcane Odyssey hypothetically falling off before the 6 seas storyline is complete would be a little funny.

It’ll be good for vetex, so he can start on his writing career early. Can’t wait to buy the Arcane Odyssey book series when it’s released.

please dont expose my secret, i voted on 12,000 alt accounts