The science behind fire magic? (The thing make no sense)

Simple, imagine you eat a candy made out of energy, since it’s made out of energy, the thing is unstable and will go back to being energy any moment, you eat it and experience the sweet taste but it suddenly it dissappears, all atoms creating is now just energy, it is officially gone but it’s impact are still left on the world, you still have experienced a sweet taste. Similar to all magic, they will be gone but their impact will remain

Simple, imagine you eat a candy made out of energy, since it’s made out of energy, the thing is unstable and will go back to being energy any moment, you eat it and experience the sweet taste but it suddenly it dissappears, all atoms creating is now just energy, it is officially gone but it’s impact are still left on the world, you still have experienced a sweet taste. Similar to all magic, they will be gone but their impact will remain

Let’s just take it as magic energy manifesting itself into a specific element. We can’t really put science into when it’s magic and it has its own science, it defies the laws of real life physics anyways


i think somewhere it says that magic in the aa universe is the ability to alter matter
so you can turn anything into anything.

dunno if that helps


Fire isn’t matter, good find though

Vetex specifically sated “matter”

Fuel: Hate for the Magic Council.

I’d like to reference Avatar: The Last Airbender where Zuko basically lost the powerful effect of his fire because the only thing “fueling it” was his rage, hate, and duty to take out the Avatar (not on a date). And when he found out how to reconnect with his powers, he said that fire is like a sun inside of your body. So possibly the fuel can be emotion.

Magic power doesn’t come from within so rage ain’t gonna be a source bud

I’ve been studying up on something called witchcraft (“Gross a spiritualist” I know). Witchcraft is heavily reliant on the person’s mind, train of thought, and intention in order for it to become true. While I do agree emotions aren’t a very viable answer. Emotions are just the tip of the iceberg.

Like I said, emotions, thought, and intentions are important in the realm of Witchcraft/Paganism/& Wicca in order for “magic” to come true. (Not like we can summon fires in the real world, that’s a topic for another time) This is a difficult topic to brush on since many people prefer logical science rather than spiritual belief.

You’ve haven’t read the trello right? Well it isn’t witchcraft

Wise words. Do you mind if I quote this?

Yeah sure

I apologize if my point isn’t clear on that, but my intention wasn’t that all this is “witchcraft”, I’m saying that maybe some aspects of witchcraft would align with the topic in question.

Kinda interesting also look up “Water Experiment - Masaru Emoto” if you wanna see some ways in which intentions and emotions affect the physical world

Not much really, since we have little to no control over magical powers, the thing is quite exclusive to god, demi-gods and so on (stated on the trello) so I doubt we could actually control it in a few generations

Case closed

I gotchu bro. I’ll heavily consider that.

it’s not fire, it’s our magic energy pretending to be fire and be used as its fuel, but still has the properties of real fire. it’s like how can’t use it in water ingame (since hydrogen is flammable but oxygen isn’t)

that’s why you can’t get super rich from just magic gold from gold magic, there are merchants who are able to sense counterfeit “magic gold” to the real thing and only find value in the latter

its hard to find sense in any of this that makes sense in the real world, the second you throw magic into the mix, nothing makes sense. the whole idea of magic revolves around something supernatural and something that can’t be defined by real science and physics. all you can really do is just try and explain how it could make sense in the universe where magic like that really does exist in the form of some kind of pseudo-science

i guess you can look at this worldbuilding thread if you’re looking at how other people rationalize fire magic in general fantasy

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