The science behind fire magic? (The thing make no sense)

I forgot a bit of the lore since reading it months ago… but who was that man, Prometheus? I believe he was a god, don’t quote me on that, but he did give magic to humans. Along with an idea I heard from people…
“Mind Break” I’m a little out of touch I apologize once more, but you are right humans may not be able to control magic, but considering it’s a Mind Break I infer that the main reason humans cannot control power is because weakness of the mind, instability of emotions, thrown away are rights and wrong, reason and rationality. Along with trying to be human with normal hormones, magic is put into the mix which would most likely be the reason for why many go insane in the first place.
I guess that the people of Magius, around the world even, cast away a more deeper understanding of themselves and their surroundings, let alone appreciation for what they have. We frequently see this in the game, I’d say 80% of the dialogue consists of the Magic Council being the “Great Law Bringers”, dark wizards fretting about family and saying how they “did it” to save the people that they care about.

Another connection, namely from the Steven Universe fandom. Although a completely different topic and form of magic, I agree with you all completely, but nonetheless Steven was so caught up in being a gem that he threw away what being human really is, and ultimately it made him feel disconnected from the earth, himself, until he finally corrupted himself out of peer pressure and accumulated past stressors that he personally cannot have the time to reconcile.

Oh god I love pseudo-science. Opens up so much more discussions and notions.

“Flame” is a little bit different from fire, flame is the result of fire, not fire itself, fire is combustion, a chemical process, not a matter

Wait, our magic energy can do that? I’m not trying to be rude but since when, it was never stated once in the lore nor trello, the only capability magic has ever been said to have is “summon” and “manipulate” matter

Yes and you’re seeing the result of that chemical process bruv.

fire magic could just be high temperature hydrogen magic, or whatever burns in the air but not in water

Flames are the bunches of gases that are burned by fire

Then the user would have to do two task while casting one magic, making fire magic very different from other magics, which is unnecessary complicated for the user

ok, and the magic you’re seeing is the product of fire.

You’re literally not mentioning that 0% of light and 0% of shadow are matter, you’re just trying to edgy roleplay fire for more than what it is.

Enough about fire, let’s discuss the possibility of Aurora Borealis Magic.

I did…

Honestly, you should take any official explanation about how Arcane Universe’s magic works with a grain of salt.

Also, there are some other strange features about magic other than conjuring fire like how does augmented magic increase the user lifespan or how does magic drain lifeforce? As far as I know, lifeforce is a spiritual thing. It is not a matter or energy.

Trying to explain magic would just result in numerous inconsistencies in the end, thus it is better to leave it unexplained. I know it’s disappointing but that’s the whole reason why it is called magic.

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Shadow and light technically aren’t matter either but their still in the game :man_shrugging:

Lets just leave it at that and call it a day :fr:

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Read below

Yikes alright. Never fucking mind

Okay? I didn’t explain it saying that it’s not matter, im saying that you can’t really put real science into this because it’s literally impossible and since it’s, it’s own thing, we can’t use real science

Btw what did the “edgy roleplay” part mean?