The start of something awesome: war of appliance, man, and alien

So uh we made a story idea in the shadow magic post about how aliens invade earth and as humans are about to fall house appliances gain conciousness and fight back.

So uh here is a brainstorm post.

If u wanna make a character idea, here’s the 4 races you can use:

House appliance



Kragian (bug like alien)

So uh yeah start brainstorming

we got:
Bobby Blender
Felipe food processor
Carl Calender
Ferb Fridge
Kim Kragian
Mike mixer
Bartholomew Bulldozer

I am literally gonna die of laughter

Toby television

Coby Computer

Main character ideas:

Chad the human

Kiki the dog

V’krag bug ppl king

Timmy toaster

Penny PC
Pam Printer
Marley Microwave
Dan Dishsoap
Wendy Washing Machine

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wait how do you make an unfold tab, cuz imma put the effort in to give em all a personality

Randy rice maker
Darv the assasin, kragian
Helena, Chad’s girlfriend
Silvestri, the annoying cat kiki hates
Robby roomba, Timmy’s best friend

i feel an epic “goodbye” on Helena


Cindy Couch
Timothy Table
Winceton Workbench
Vanessa Vase

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Too many appliances we need other race ideas


They’re so successful because nobody has touched their civilization in a year since the WoM forum came around

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I meant characters from other races

but sereously, how do you do the thing that when you tab a word, an intire story appears?

Click the gear and click hide details


This text will be hidden

This should appear

okay imma give it a try…


it worked?

How about like a good alien race of plant people.
