The start of something awesome: war of appliance, man, and alien

thank you

No problem

Sounds good to me.

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Okay, this will take a moment…

So we have:

The sad humans who really just want to go home.

Plant people who are trying to help

Evil bug people who are pretty badass imo

House appliances?

And animals, who literally play no roles other than existing

The animals push the evil bug people into a blender at the end

But they forgot to put the lid on and they come out as a giant bug

But then he steps on lego bricks and dies the end

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Lol I guess the plant ppl and humans get a break

and then we get to see a giant kid who we then see playing with the aliens who turn out to just be dolls

The humans survive and they eat the plant people as scrumptious salad live happy ever after

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It was all just our imagination…

Until the kid looks out the window and sees some microwaves and humanoid bushes Beating up bugs with laser guns



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That awkward moment when you’re an advanced and benevolent alien race who tries to help and as payment your people just get eaten alive

I’d say worth it.

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Vore fetish confirmed


Ok here’s a rough plot

Humans are just chilling.

Bug people attack.

Humanity literally has a seizure

Plant people find out and quickly come to the rescue

Chad finds a machine from the plant people that can give anything conciousness

Appliances are born and join the battle against bugs.


oh yeah why do the plant people help is it because the humans water them or something?

or maybe they think that they are the reason that rain falls down and water them or something

Appliances and their personalities so far

Bobby Blender

Likes to make a chaos of things. his room is messy and he can never seem to be organised.

Felipe food processor

Felipe has a great sence of order, he always sorts his things and puts them in line. Good general on a battlefield.

Carl Calender

Very punctual man, like, realy punctual

Ferb Fridge

Guy who keeps his head cool in the midst of battle

Mike mixer

Has ADHD and never sits still, his favorite attraction are the teacups since they spin so much

Bartholomew Bulldozer

Buff dude who charges into any obstacle without thinking

Toby television

Toby like’s the attention and all eyes must be on him

Coby Computer

The annoyingly smart nerd

Penny PC

The nerdy girlfriend of Coby

Pam Printer

Pam like to have this very clear and is the black or white type of appliance

Marley Microwave

Radiant appliance that you dont want to be near you

Dab Dishsoap

Clean, just as his conscience

Wendy Washing Machine

The mob boss of a giant white wash company

Randy rice maker

The cook of the appliances

Cindy Couch

Likes to sit things out and is extremely lazy

Timothy Table

Timothy tries to carry as much weight and problems and helps his friends however he can

Winceton Workbench

Always has a trick up his sleeve with a new handcrafted blunder

Vanessa Vase

Like’s to show off the this she got

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