The time has come


I wonder how that would look on Celesta with 537 Atk Spd at 0 power.

slide to the left
slide to the right
cha cha real smooth
:speaking_head: :speaking_head: :light_magic_var1: :loud_sound: :bangbang:

pvp balancing is consistently hindering the out of combat movement of others

reflexeses in pvp

i dont think ur the one that should say this

like for real, if u guys had this view or the majority of the balance team had it, then why even make that reflex poll if u guys knew people will pick the easies nerf

its effective only in combat

You do know this only applies in combat right

Why do forumers fail to do even basic research

It looks complete. It isn’t stated there that it only applies to pvp

you arent in the balance server right?

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This makes sense thank you. Indeed I am not on the discord so I don’t know what changes. It would help if we had a rfao thread but combat balancing notes instead.
Anyway thanks again, I don’t check the doc religiously like the trello and my brain won’t remember what was changed and what wasnt

they have good balance changers or bad ones, always fun to put a bet on what the majority are gonna be

Because people just assume something was never tested without considering that it was tested and nerfed and what it was previously was 8000 times worse. If stuff were actually not tested Surge and FotS would kill you every time they’re used, reflexes would make the game DBZ, teleports would be unlocked with like half the agility people are using right now, etc.

If you want everything to be nerfed by the perfect amount every time it’s released I’ll introduce you to my friends “not enough time to test changes before release”, “suggesting changes that never get added anyways” and “balance changes are coded into the game by one guy who has to budget time to code literally everything else”.

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  1. This comment has 0 correlation with the conversation I was just having. How the community wants reflexes to be nerfed has nothing to do with how nerfs were decided in testing before they even got access.
  2. Because those opinions matter since the game isn’t being designed around the top 0.5% of players.

Besides I’m literally the one who pushed this change so idk why ur aggroing on me. This is still in direct accordance with what I said in the above comment because I don’t even think this will be that harsh of a nerf, as someone else in this thread said as long as you get 1 reflex every time you touch the ground the problem is still present. It’s just less clunky than the change that was previously there and arguably more impactful (not hard to touch the ground and wait 2 seconds before pressing shift).

you realize that it sounds like u guys listen to the community if a thing should be balance or not despite clearly a buff/nerf

again u said that if people dont want it then so be it, u agreed with my statement, so if u were so aware that the community like the braindead meta, why even make a poll to decided if it should be nerfed, its like asking 1.13 bers if they want their build nerfed despite clearly needing one

u know, good, im not complaining for this (also since we are still here, there is a cooldown right? u cant just touch the ground and reflex again, right?), but i rlly find it funny that the guy that would let a braindead meta alive bc the community wants would also talk about balancing stuff

Because it’s a core gameplay change not just adjusting numbers to a class. There’s a difference between asking “guys do you want stun mages nerfed” and “guys wouldn’t it be cool if we radically changed this mechanic you all already adjusted yourselves to in order to accommodate a specific subset of people?”

There’s a ton of things that u could argue are inherently bad for the game that it wouldn’t be a good idea to change just purely because it’s fundamental. Reflexes need to be changed but how much they changed should take that into consideration.

k fair but there is still a cooldown for reflexes right?

The change on the document is the only change that’s happening until further notice :person_shrugging:

:sob: praying for a long cooldown (we all know that the option “1 reflex with a long cooldown” from the first poll is the right decission)

Imo you would ideally still have 2 reflexes but with the long cd after both of them. Being able to use multiple reflexes in succession is part of what makes them fun, the issue is that there’s absolutely 0 downtime until you can just do that again.

E.g. If someone spends 2 reflexes and I can guarantee there’s a ~5 second window of time in which I can punish them after both reflexes are used then that would be a good change

k ya 5 seconds cooldown sounds fine, but i would rather to make reflexes in pvp something that u cant just use bc u feel like, i would increase it to 8 or 10 seconds