The Tower Heroes Christmas Event Experience

Back from my break, it’s time to cook.

Just like the previous event aka the Halloween event 2023 (does anybody in the forums even play Tower Heroes)…it was Painful, sometimes the difficulty of certain contracts were ridiculous, while some were pretty easy and straightforward…
But we aren’t talking about the previous event (which i only did half of it’s contracts, amazing.), we are talking about another ridiculous Christmas event, which follows the same format as the previous event, with varying difficulty between each wishlist.
Let me show two notable examples of such phenomenom:
Oh right, before i’ll do, here are all the wishlists for reference:

Okay, here are notable examples of such phenomenom:

Lil Chip

-Lil Chip:Lil Chip is probably one of the easiest on this list…well…you just have to search in the game’s art gallery hard enough, and then play a cookie clicker inspired minigame until you get a certain amount of cookies to purchase him…it’s not even difficult, it’s just time-consuming.

And the ridiculous example:


-OverCooked:At first glance…you’ll think it’ll be pretty simple…since you just have to burn cookies inside Bustling Bakery (burning the first cookie causes the others to shake in fear, which gives you a hint on how to do this wishlist), but in reality…It’s a ridicously difficult boss suprise, which appears after you “win” the game.No, you don’t win the game, Overcooked’s here to fold your towers via commiting a severe case of arson, causing your towers to progressively burn and die, causing them to be sold.
There is only one tower to my knowledge immune to this effect, and the fact that the specific immune tower deals low damage against the boss (it’s mainly a crowd control tower.) is baffling.

According to my friend @beewaxical here, 7 of these wishlists are bosses, while 7 of them are RNG-based, which is just ridiculous.
2 of those wishlists are none of those mentioned, that being lil-chip and Toothy Deer Man.

I myself didn’t play the Frigid Fortress map, but from what i’ve heard…one of it’s bosses is able to heal itself rapidly…which is kinda insane if you ask me.

However…on the Bright Side…the comeback of the Sweet Sunrise was a great thing, because i can get some cool followers i want, such as Very Berry:

Zrzut ekranu 2023-12-23 215826

I mean…look at them they are so silly! :blush:, i don’t have them as my profile card background for no reason. (Yes, seriously.),The enemies in Sweet Sunrise are quite silly, but i’ll allow you to explore it yourself incase you want to play the game yourself.

Just don’t get into the wishlist bussiness, trust me, this event makes me unhealthy:

hopefully i can stop grinding Off Topic and start doing more AO-related posts, hopefully.

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Yeah that’s true about seven of the contracts being RNG-based and bosses. As for the Frigid Fortress boss you’re talking about, it’s apparently the Medium mode one exclusively

as someone who just completed the wishlist, i honestly got real lucky to get the rng ones

and btw if you wanna grind festive enemies and snowflake play on pirate panic, a ton of them can spawn (i got 3 festive and 1 snowflake in a single medium round)

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thanks for the advice but…usually Pirate Panic matches are extremely long lol, Chaos Kingdom also works if you don’t want to stay here for almost an hour playing the game.

i did both easy and medium modes forgot to mention lol

You mean of Pirate Panic?

I swear to god festive enemies and snowflakes need to be all killed in the same server, I swear I’ve got enough snowflakes

anyways yeah it’s honestly kinda fun how some of the contracts are difficult, I like the range of difficulty in bosses, like how pastrysaur isn’t too difficult but overcooked and tallest snowman can be really hard.

used to, gave up on it because of how frustrating the community was at most times.

also this event is extremely disappointing, I’m like 90% certain it is not possible to solo frigid fortress on easy mode which is crazy.

this be why you get friends

the hell? Bleak Barrens 2.0?

haha no.

simply play the actual meat of the event (contracts) rather than the side order of the map, it’s a fun scavenger hunt

I wouldn’t go as far as to say it was that insane, but the sudden massive upscale in enemy HP at wave 10 is probably why this isn’t normally soloable.

my best runs have ended around wave 22.

though I am curious how well maitake actually is on this map because I’ve been using hotdog frank

i don’t know what’s the deal with hotdog being OP

i haven’t even played Frigid for me to see how hard it is, hopefully Yasuke spam, the ol’reliable will help me beat that.

Halloween’s scavenger hunt was super boring and confusing, this one doesn’t look any more interesting ngl.

not to mention how I think some contracts are locked behind the map you literally… cannot solo :skull:

I havent used hotdog frank since like years ago

there’s only one that involves the map you can’t solo and that one can be done before even starting a mode

On easy mode it sure as hell won’t.

you’ll realize you barely have time to farm because the first wave of enemies have 10 fucking HP.

Pumpkin Paranoia 2.0 moment


I tried soloing that one too it wasn’t possible :sob:

why are all of the recent event maps like… so ridiculously hard?