The Updated AO and Vetex Iceberg

Not entirely sure if this is worth an entry, but I accidentally glitched into the lower deck of the Brig (fell from a supermassive DS island into it). I tried using the cannons to escape, and ended up finding out that the lower cannons can also be controlled by players.


Not related to the iceberg, but I have good news, but after 3 months of no Roblox I got the Microsoft Store version of the game to work and I can now play AO again! Still can’t open games directly from the actual website, though.

Have you tried clearing temp files that sometimes slaps Roblox into working

Also, add the background of the Doomera statue, wholesome enough to be noteworthy.

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What “Doomera” statue background? I’d like a bit more information

In the QnA vet said that the statue on Doom Island in AA, which I don’t know the original text of, was made in memory of a good friend of theirs, who had an accident of some sort but fully recovered.

Here it is


this is what they said

Who is Doomera, and why was there a statue built for them on Doom Island?

V: So he’s one of our friends, he actually has tester right now still. But i don’t really remember cause it was 8 years ago, i think something happened to him, and i kinda named island after him, in his memory i guess? I don’t really remember.

T: It was so long ago…He got into an accident, and for all we have known, is that he didn’t make it, cause that’s how we were told by his close friends and family. So then we find out that he was very close to not recovering, but he was able to. He was someone we were really close with. So we did something to commemorate so we had at least small piece of him left, if that makes any sense, im glad he made a full recovery, a really great guy.

got it from this person’s document of the entire QnA
I highly encourage you to also read it if you feel like it


All I really need now is a picture of the statue itself as it appeared in the game, and I don’t really feel like combing through the forums for it.

you could use the arcane reborn version
it’s basically the same but the text is red instead
I’m trying to get a clear image of the original one now tho

Pretty sure I can if I hop on (BROKEN) AA just need to progress a bit

I’m trying that rn, but the quest for the rowboat isn’t working

Wait, what happens if you use AA rn?

I got flung by a shark and then died from drowning but I somehow managed to have my spawn set to doom island

swimming is kinda broken and most quests (I managed to get to 3rd sea then quit because there nothing to do without sea travel)

BTW the only way I got to some islands is by potions they still work but the 3rd sea area had no alchemist so I was just stuck there

Yea boats don’t work either way they are SUPER buggy and WILL FLING YOU

Fr, you guys wanna play AA even though it’s broken?

no it’s boring

I already did it
With a friend you can just laugh at all the glitches but alone there’s no music and all so yeah it’s kinda boring

it’s kind of scary too, all the npcs being broken and the feling that the game is nearly 7-8 years old and all the broken code and me getting flung to the bottom of the sea