The Arcane Odyssey 3/2/2024 QNA Transcript - All Questions & Answers written down

Just decided to write these all down for those who are too lazy to watch the whole video. I’ll seperate answers and questions into categories. This is mostly paraphrasing, if you want full answers, watch the vid. And to clarify, I have kinda ‘amalgamized’ Tech & Vet’s answers together. I don’t often distinguish who is answering or if they answered together. Just something to keep in mind.

Click the appropriate category if you want to see questions specific to an area of the game.


“Is Arcane Odysseys story finished?”
Kinda, we have major bulletpoints for all major events per sea, and we do know how it’ll end. The actual nitty-gritty writing doesn’t occur until work on a new sea is about to begin.

“What are you most excited to show off in Nimbus Sea?”
Me and Tech have the same idea but it’s a particular part in the story near the ending. All I’ll comment on is we finally get to see the Apex of this world, and it’s REALLY cool the way we wanna do it.

“In the storyline, will there be anymore members like Iris & Morden who join the group?”
Yeah! We have a few others. You’ll meet, I think 3 of them in Nimbus Sea.

“Do we get a chapter explaining our (player character’s) past?”
It’s explored upon. I don’t know about a full chapter, but it’s explored upon.

“Will more characters get sea curses, maybe even characters on our team?”

“Will the games story tie into Arcane Adventures?”
Kinda, but they are both independent. They both matter though.

“Will they ever regain our memories?”
You won’t regain them, the reason the character lost their memories is to put the player in their shoes. Also helps that both the player and character feel like they just ‘washed up’ in this world.

“What was Tuckers Story like before he passed away?”
He was special like you and Morden are. He was unique and experimented on the same way you and Morden were. He doesn’t have much more to em’.

“What was the World of Magic story going to be like?”
No Comment, it’s kinda spoilers to say. I know it’s not canon anymore, but the ending is a bit similar to AO’s.

“Are there any more story islands the size of Sameria?”
Jotunheim, it’s about twice as big, capital of Keraxe in the Vimir (Third) sea.

“Will we see Shura again?”

“Will Prince Revon be a future boss?”
He’d have to leave the bronze sea to do that. Who knows?

“Will there be more stealth missions like Fort Talos?”
There’s not any planned anytime soon but maybe. Honestly I’m not sure in the future. As the player encounters more and more powerful people, you’d be around more people who can use sensing so stealth wouldn’t work as well.


“What exactly were the ‘Depth Charges’ in General Zaix’s Journal?”
They weren’t magic. Just like, exploding barrels attached to a chain. They were doing everything they could to stop the invasion.

“What is the name of the Fourth Sea?”
We don’t have an official name for it technique, but placeholder is ‘Aegean sea’.

“Are there man made magics?”
Yes, but very few know how to do it, and spread the knowledge mainly through the Lost Scrolls. There aren’t curses for these magics, obviously.

“How does Arcanium work? (Lorewise)”
It’s metal combined with Seasalt, since seasalt in this world is irradiated with magic energy. That’s the pseudoscience of how it can conduct magic. Over time, if someones using an Arcanium weapon for years and years, the sea salt will change its properties to passively emit that magic.

“Is there any info you can share about Order of Aesir/Ravenna characters we don’t know in game?”
King Calvus took the throne when he was 11, and Revon was 3. By the time we fight Argos in game, he’s pushing 70, and he doesn’t have magic to elongate his life so he’s just… old. Yet he can still scrap. (Tech is excited to explore his character more).

“What was Arthur (Cursebeards) abilities before the raid on Mount Olympus?”
We never really thought on specific powers since it doesn’t impact the story.

“Are all of the towns and cities based on real world countries?”
Some are, but not all. A good majority of the kingdoms are based on real life societies.

“Is there any lore behind the Sunken Equipment?”
It’s just Arcanium that was left in the ocean for decades.

“How does Arthurian lore relate to Spirit Weapons?”
It doesn’t relate. Spirit Weapons can be any object. One of them an upcoming story character has is a bracelet. Regular people cannot control spirit energy, only the gods can, so the only way to use spirit energy is by using spirit weapons: objects blessed by the gods for their most devoted followers.

“Why is there no mention of Cassia Town & Blasted Rock anywhere except the journal?”
It’s just a tragedy. It’s something horrible that happened to this kingdom and people. It’s not something that comes up in natural conversation. There will be more to Blasted Rock in the future, make sure to LOOK in Full Release.

“Will you make more books?”
Yes, we are working on a couple.

It’s based on Egypt/Arabic culture. Mainly inspired a bit from the Middle east, with a bit of India sprinkles. We wanted to ATTEMPT to encapsulate a piece of that culture.

“Will Corsair Country be its own country or region in a sea?”
It’s kinda like a kingdom, so its a part of the sea.

“Why aren’t there ruined Thorne Empire Flags on Blasted Rock?”
A good portion of them escaped, fled, or were totally anhilated.

“Where does the Scald Tooth Dagger come from?”
Scald Tooth.

“Is King Arthur the same person as Cursebeard?”

“Are you going to add more text to decipher with Ancient Language?”
Probably yeah.

Spirit Weapons & Regular Weapons

“Will the Blunderbuss & Bazooka return?”
Not the blunderbuss, but the Bazooka yeah.

“How will imbuing spirit energy work?”
You can imbue it into Weapons, Magic & Fighting Styles. You’d be able to double imbue it if you are a savant.

“Will there be more types of weapons in the future?”
Yeah we wanna add more like Scythes and stuff, but I don’t wanna add new types til’ the old ones are done.

“Will you add a whip or chain weapon.”
Probably in the future, we just don’t know how to properly make it.

“When will stat requirements be left alone for moves/weapons like Pulsar/Vindicator?”
They’ll be left alone where they are now. The previous requirements felt a bit too low for things that complicated.

“Will there ever be Legendary Weapons?”
Yeah but they won’t be as broken as the AA ones. They will have to be balanced around Ancient Magics and Upgraded Lost Fighting Styles

“When will we see the reintroduction of instruments?”
I got no idea. One day.

“What’s that cutlass you have?”
Oh it’s the boss cutlass.

Magics, Spells & Fighting Styles

“How will Lost Magics be Obtained”
They’ll be found, kinda like how we find Lost Spell Scrolls, you’ll find Lost Magic Scrolls. There will be a pity system, and multiple ways to obtain them.

“Will there be new skills/spells in Nimbus?”
Not in this update, but the next update.

“Will Magic Shield be brought back as a Lost Spell?”
Yeah it will be.

“How many Fighting Styles will there be (Basic)?”
We don’t have a set number, it’ll just end up being however many cool ideas we get.

“Will Ink & Paper Magic ever return?”

“Would you make any new base magics in the future?”
Nah, I’m done making base magics.

“Will we ever be able to switch first magics?”

“Will you get Promethan fire on Conjurer?”
Promethean fire won’t be player obtainable. It’s too powerful in lore.

“What’s the first lost magic you plan to add, will they be added all at once or one at a time?”
We don’t have a set one to add first, but we plan to add at least a bunch of them at the same time. There’ll be new lost magics added regularly.

“Will Ultimate Arts ever get their own cutscenes or get more useful later on?”
They’ll get special effects as you level up but not cutscenes. That’s too anime.

“Will there be more magic color variations?”

“Will curses be obtainable?”
No. Never.

“Will we see magics getting unique moves?”
Nah. The whole point of the magic & fighting style system in this game was to not lock abilities behind certain magics. The hope is that the amount of lost/rare spells is so great that everyone’s moveset is different. We aren’t there yet, so people still have similar loadouts.

“Are the old Arcane Ultimate spells gonna be lost spells?”
Kinda, kinda. Yeah, one of the lost spells is similar to the Lightning Ultimate from AA.

“Will Flight Spells return?”
I do think they will in some way. They’ll have to be limiting since I don’t want to replace boat travel, your boat is meant to be your home, it goes everywhere with you.


Are there any planned seasonal events?
There are no planned Seasonal Events. Christmas/Halloween is more important. They are prioritizing Content over Seasonal Events

“Is there a reason there is no pvp toggle?”
Mainly because we feel almost everyone would keep it off and there would be no real pvp.

“Will tester applications ever open up again?”
I don’t know.

“Will there ever be an unban wave for Full Release?”
No. Most of the bans are for exploiters and we don’t like to reintroduce those types of players into the community.

“What will happen to people with one gazzillion fame?”
They’ll be reset.

“Will Sea league be official, and yield in game titles?”
We wouldn’t make an unofficial tournament thing official, but the whole reason Elysium was made was so there could be official tournaments that give in game rewards. I’m not sure when that’d be started.

“Will there be any rewards for Bug hunting?”
Idk, what do you even give for that? I’d be open to a reward system if they help out.

Dark Sea

“What is the Red Lightning in the Dark Sea represent?”
It’s magic irradiated Lightning. It’s imbued with all the crazy magic energy in the atmosphere.

“With below deck storage, would you ever consider making dark sea its own instance?”
Nah. that’d take away from the experience.

“Will the Dark Sea ever be expanded upon?”
The plan is to expand the Dark Sea after every sea is done.

“Will there be more content in Epicenter?”
Yeah there will be. It’s the center of everything wrong, it’s gonna have some DEMONS there. I’m gonna traumatize yall - Tech.

“What exactly are Atlanteans?”
They are mutated humans who spent years in the Dark Sea. We have plans for Legendary Beast Atlanteans, they aren’t even humans anymore, they are just monsters. If thats the potential for that, imagine whats on the epicenter?

“Will the Dark Sea Ever be incorporated in the Story?”
Probably not. Lorewise, nobody goes there really.

“Will there be anymore gameplay activities like the Dark Sea?”
I don’t know, there’s a concept for something similar. I’m not gonna talk about it since I dont wanna get people hyped for something that may not happen.

Future Mechanics/Features

“Will you eventually make all magics work underwater?”
You know how Rill Hendrix teaches you Dodge Reflex? Eventually there will be a way to learn how to ‘waterproof’ your spells. No clue when that’ll be added, probably near the end of Nimbus.

“Will there ever be custom keybindings?”

Probably eventually, but it’s a lotta UI work and it’s really tedious to add to an update.

“Which update will the Frigate be added?”
Probably later half of this year, around the end of Nimbus.

“Will we get our own skyships instead of renting them?”
Maybe… it’ll be way later in Nimbus.

“Will Intensity ever have a more streamlined use?”
Yeah, I’ll be changing the current effects to jewel effects, and intensity will become attack cooldown. Maybe this update? No promise.

“Will you ever add land animals”
Yeah eventually.

“Will there be other forms of transporation then boats?”
Probably not. For Sameria I kinda wanted to add horses but I’m not sure how it’d work.

“Will there ever be mobile support/console support.”
Probably not either. There’s too many controls. For mobile it’d be possible, but it wouldn’t be pretty.

“Will private servers ever be a thing in AO?”
Probably not.

“How will you handle leveling alt files when the level caps are so high late game?”
You’ll be able to skip levels via a product.

“Would you ever add Voice Chat to AO?”
I’ve been wanting to, but Roblox does not have an API for it.

"Will more stats like Resistance/Armor Piercing be added later?
Yeah, I have plans to add more stats like those. I didn’t want to add them all this update since it’d be too jarring and hard to balance.

"Cooking expansion?"
There will be unique ways to do cooking in the future. It will be expanded in the future and some of it is coming pretty soon.

“Are Legendary boats coming back?”

“When will auctions be added?”
Headless is working on it right now, hopefully next update. It’s taking a while since its very complicated to make a cross-server marketplace.

“Will we ever get an animal-like boss?” Not as a story boss, but when animals are added, eventually I think it’d be cool to have legendary beast boss fights. Like say, an island has an enormous bear that was irradiated by magic.

The reason that’s taking so long is that I wanted to make so each build has their own unique perk to sensing. Some of them involve Ghost Ships & Legendary ships, so I didn’t want to add Sensing until it could be the full feature.

“Will you ever add Flaunting back?”
That was an ancient concept for World of Magic. It used to be like, pouring water into a basin to solve a puzzle. I don’t think stuff like that would really be added anymore.

“Will players be able to conceal level?”
Probably not, there’s no real reason for that. People would be like “I wasn’t at my full power” and one shot a level 40.

“Will there be randomly spawning enemy camps in the wilderness?”
Yeah that’s part of the kingdom alignment idea. It’s to incorporate World of Magic type question.


“Will there be skyship types like, Sky Brigs, Sky Frigates?”

Ehh, Kinda? Not exactly a perfect translation from Sea to Air, there are only a few types of Sky Ships.

“Will any characters from Arcane Adventures appear in AO?”
No comment.

“Will Ruby Roger ever return?”
Yeah, he’s gonna be a recurring character who pops up every now and again.

“Is there a Grand Navy presence in all seas?”
Yes there is, it’s stronger in some seas and weaker in others.

“Will there be voice acting?”
No, it’s way too monumental a task. And if there are voice actors for characters like Morden, they’d have to stick with the project for years and years. Conceptually its a cool idea, but we don’t know how to do it in an efficient way for it to not be Cringy.

“Will Skyship battles ever be a thing?”
Maybe? With the plans we have in the future for skyships its a possibility but I’m not really sure.

“Will there ever be more character customization options?”

“Will there ever be indoor boss fights that make use of enviroments?”
In a way kinda.

“Can physics be added to ships so you don’t fly backwards when you jump?”
I saw Rell seas added that but I don’t really see the point in a game like this, if you’re fighting you’re gonna stop your ship anyway.

“Who is Doomara, and why was the statue built for them on Doom Island?”
He was one of our friends, he has tester right now still. I don’t really remember, I think something happened to him and I named the island after him. He got into an accident, and we’re glad he made a full recovery.

Why is the games optimization…
We optimize the game in every update, it’s just that there is a memory leak that makes your frames awful that we can’t find no matter what. For whatever reason the longer you play your frames will get worse.

“How big is Sameria compared to Mount Orthys?”
I don’t know which is bigger, haven’t put them side by side?

“Will there be any more plans for mini updates on WOM?”

“Will Tobi make more themes for Ao in the future?”
If he’s open to it, I’d love that.

“Will the dialouge stats you can see by hitting f9 ever be used?”
I don’t know anymore honestly. The original plan we had isn’t really a thing anymore.

“Will you ever add Musicians?”
Maybe? There’d have to be a certain soundtrack for them.

“New Dialouges for Criminals and Heroes?”
Yeah, but that’s not our focus at the current time.

“Will there be more feminine clothing?”

“Will there ever be moving npcs again?”
Probably not. If I ever did it’d be clientside atmospheric ones in towns.

“Will there be a wipe on Full Release?”
No. Definitely not.

“Will your crew be able to fight back?”
Probably not ever. I wanted to add it, but it won’t be a thing just because it’d be so chaotic to make it 20 vs 20 npcs.

Plans & Personal Questions

“Do you find the roadmap realistic for 2024 now that Kingdom Alignment has been Delayed?”
Probably not, but the order will stay the same. Oh and I want to clarify, after Nimbus Pt. 1 is done, we are going to start doing Monthly updates. Just release whatever is done, essentially. It made me (Vetex) realise that if things are gonna take longer then expected, it may as well be broken up into monthly updates.

“What is your least favorite part of development?”
Probably new UI, it’s very tedious.

“If AO was never a thing, what old project would you like to have worked on?”
Tech: Arcane Adventures, Vet: World of Magic?

“If you had more control over Roblox Studio, what would you want to implement?”
Better Tools for finding Memory leaks.

“What made you decide to have Prometheus give humanity Magic instead of Fire?”
I don’t even remember how that came about not gonna lie.

“How do you feel about being a solo dev?”
I like having full control over the quality of stuff.

“What inspired you to make Arcane Odyssey?”
Pretty much, we just wanted to continue Arcane Adventures. We wanted to do a complicated story, something World of Magic was never intended to have.

“What is your favorite magic in game? Any planned magics you like more?”
No real favorites.
Vet: I like Fire, Plasma, Lightning, Light, Shadow,
Tech: Crystal, I like wood magic, especially for something in the future. As for Lost Magics, Idk.

“How do you feel creating the Arcane Universe?”
I’m very proud of it.

“What inspired you to choose or commission the ocs you did?”
We pretty much just searched for themes that fit the vibe we are going for. There are times we commission composers like Tobi, who made the Dark Sea theme, and it goes really amazing! We’re not always able to do that.

“What makes you love making magic & adventure games?” I don’t really know. I don’t want to say I don’t want to make games anymore, but a big reason I want to work on this game is because it’s our verse.

“Have you ever seen any art you personally liked a lot?”
I remember a few, but there’s a lot of talented artists in the community. I’ve noticed there’s some really talented artists in the Arcane community.

“What’s your opinion on the community?”
Idk, I don’t really interact with the community for my sanity. - Vetex,
I like the community! - Tech.

There’s good and bad parts to all communities. There’s always SOME portion of the community that will be cringe.

Clans & Factions

“Will there be a Navy Stronghold in the Nimbus Sea?”
Yup, and it’s pretty sick!

“What feature are you most excited to have released?”
Clan building with the empires update, because it gives a whole new activity for people to do. I’m gonna try to make it so that if you’re not a pvper you can still enjoy the features.

“How will our Rivals evolve in the future with us?” They’ll pretty much always be equal to you. They’ll eventually form their own group to raid your islands.

“Will you guys ever add new organizations like GN & AS that players can join?”
There is one more that we have planned. Might be a slight spoiler, but its the same group that runs the Agora. It sounds dumb to join a newspaper group, but they do more then run newspaper. It’s also why the info in the Agora is completely non-biased, it just states what happened. They give true information out to the world, without letting kingdoms sway what they say.

Nimbus Part 1 specifically

“Will there be new armors in Nimbus?”

“How many boss fights will we see next update?”
In Nimbus sea part 1 there will be one boss. The only reason this update took so long is because we had to build the largest island in the game.

“Will there be a Nimbus Sea Trailer?”

“Whens Nimbus Sea part 1 dropping?”
Hopefully this month. The past week I’ve been working on a feature that I eventually had to scrap because I kept hitting roadblock after roadblock.

“What is the projected max level for Nimbus Sea Pt 1?”
Probably like 132.

“Why is the level cap raising so slow in Nimbus?”
This isn’t the full Nimbus Sea.

Saw Maple do this and figured I’d do a more ‘organized’ version. (No offense Maple)

There is a LOT here, and I did skip a few questions that were redundant. Hope you can find something that intrigues you.


Can’t wait for the first person to recreate Richter Belmont in AO

lol i am the one that ask Vetex about “will there be more contents in epicenter” in Video live chat

I also asked him about “will there be more profession for deckhands?” but he did not answer since chat is going crazy

so many racism jokes are gonna come along

i was expecting this but 3 in one sea? damn

more angsty moments for Morden and the cursed, wonderful

guess this implies theres a scaled footh shark somewhere

paladins eating good today

we have hope!

praise be Lord Vetex for his boundless mercy and compassion

oh, dope


oh neat, guess it’ll be useful for traveling vast place like Sameria at least

praise be Lord Tech for his endless sadism

oh thats a shame, guess this mean wherever the ending takes place it isnt in dark sea then

guess this indirectly comfirm that he wont be dying ( anytime soon at least )

epic battle of the century: Vetex vs that goddamn memory leak where the fuck is it

someone tag the suggestion crimson guy ( i forgot his name, sorry ) he’ll be happy to see this i think

hopefully they dont have uniform, i might join them


cant wait to whip my slaves in the nimbus sea :joy: :pray:


Aw, i wanted to do that!

Buuuut i guess less work for me :stuck_out_tongue:

My cute baby boy will be back to kick our buts!

I hope it will be something like “your magic is too hot, so its just vaporizes water around it, waterproofing it”

That’s sad, very blored and VERY odd


mines more of a timeline/summary instead of organized question/answers since im probably going to use it to make a video soon but idk if i have time

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Maybe we’ll see Kjartan, Steleus and Meng Ozun come back? who knows.

Hmmm…interesting, Ravenna was Italian/Greek, Vimir is likely based on Nordic Mythology and vikings…And Ryujin Dynasty is based on Japan, possibly.
And it’s theorised that Azura Province might be based on England and the Arthurian Legends, who knows.

Thalassi? maybe.

If they are gonna be rarer than Sunken, then i am going to lose my mind.

Not gonna lie…what was Vetex so worried about with the Flight spell? it’s kinda garbage in WOM unless you are above level 1000+ with a crap ton of agility.

Dissapointing.I thought it was chaos lightning…after all…it fits the color scheme of chaos and all chaos-related things, like Akursius Keep, for example.

Possible Boss in the Epicenter? hopefully they are guarding something worth getting, like an Acrimony or a legendary weapon.

We need this really bad.


Rest of my Comments/Opinions (to not flood the topic)

Did Vetex say that gamepasses will only be cosmetic and vanity-based? that goes against this.

Let Tobi cook :speaking_head: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

Damn, can’t have Ult Pulsar in Nimbus Sea.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA as the number 1 morock creed fan this cannot stand :sob:

A couple interesting notes:

  • Misinput’s explosive barrel is actually a major character in the story
  • Fort Sameria on the large mountain can be seen at points where select turns his camera
  • vetex hardly moved throughout the whole stream, tech however…
  • Sandstorms???
  • possible story objective

This sounds very interesting

Dang, goes against the every magic has a curse, but not every curse has a magic. That’s new.

Just hope it’s only cosmetics/titles at most


my question :sunglasses:

Kinda dumb imo, I don’t want some new player to just become max.

Finally, a third of the magics can actually function in the environment that makes up 80% of the map


I can now keep playing fire mage