The Updated AO and Vetex Iceberg

New entry (Grimoire of the Snow Witch).

I’ve also noticed that the Iceberg has surpassed 200 entries! Now that is a lot of obscure knowledge about some magic lego game.


how is this common knowledge

Did I miss something big on the forums? Am I stupid?

I’m guessing it’s common knowledge cause potion effects are shown on the catalysts and regents

I’ve seen quite a few links to the document floating around the forums
it’s also on the gear builder website

New entry (Admiral Agnis Easter Egg).

something interesting


julian has grey eyes now instead of green apparently
Warren is Inferno curse user, Real Evidences

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If I had a nickel for every entry on the iceberg about a very subtle detail on an NPC’s eyes, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice. Right?

(New entry, Julian Eye Color change.)

I think Lotus’s global messages deserve a spot here, as during WoM they would be all you would see in global. As for how he funded these I think the guy was a dev. Also, he had a page on the wiki I believe that was sponsored by him I think?

I’d like a link to an archive of these messages please.

who was lotus if you meant the yter I have his easter valk lol

I might be thinking of someone else but if you played WoM and checked messages you should know. I’m not joking, you would see them like every hour.

So when the Oracle build releases, will the old name be added here?

Also add warden npcs before spirit weapons when update drops

Was that ever confirmed?

Ahem, I would like to like to set the record straight. The Golden Watermelon was made by both myself and @Astralworks. This iceberg chart is complete and utter disenfranchisement. I will not stand for this.


I made the Golden Watermelon myth Maplestorm was not involved


forum moment

Joined 9 months ago but your first post is now, fraud…

Myth get back to mod chat

New entry: “Warden”. I also edited the entry for the Golden Watermelon.