The Updated AO and Vetex Iceberg

Added a silly easter egg somebody found in Palo Town.

Remember when WoM had codes that increased EXP and money gain when entered? I found an interesting one going through my own old posts and added it to the iceberg.

who’s going in?

wait hol on tech is Vetex’s brother???

i thought he only has one ( explodingoverall or smt )

im not surpirse there is a r34, im surpirse is this fast

Found where the fan arcane odyssey game with iron magic and katana are from:

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Funny, I was literally browsing that thread just as you sent this message.

It’s been a while, but I’ve updated the iceberg once again with five new entries, and I also adjusted the placement of a few entries. With the Dark Sea update just around the corner, I want to further expand this iceberg even more, so don’t forget; if you know of any knowledge not in the iceberg, tell me!


i bring forth important knowledge

Vetex likes basketball

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Sorry, but can I have a source on that?

His twitter likes during basketball seasons

I don’t use that dumpsterfire of a website so I can’t really 100% confirm this. Can I maybe have a screenshot?

(Unrelated but I also added another entry to the iceberg)

(Also note that the first main tier now has an outdated sidebar image, but I can’t change it for some reason???)

Alalea and Duzra are names taken from another series apparenlty, so they will be changed soon

Funny, that’s actually the most recent entry I just added…

COMMON VETEX W HE’S A HOOPER :mechanical_arm:

I remember hearing somewhere there was a plottwist where Theos was an undead underling of Durza but I’m too lazy to find the source

that plot twist kinda rips my heart apart a bit. would hit hard forsure.

He died?

No, they just got bored of Roblox and left.

old stuffs/idea i think, never actually implemented