The Utter State of Suncry

Quantity over quality is beyond rampant in leaderboard rn. This dude jumped me and ran for four minutes before where this clip starts. Really hope skill becomes more of an important factor rather than sheer member count in the future.


I think the main problem is that you can just take a island over and face no attacks or raids from other guilds, since they already have another island claimed.

Basically: There is no fighting over land since there’s no reason too fight


I really hate the fact that the new system favors Quantity over Quality imo


Yes. This new system favours quantity over quality. This is not good as the leaderboard is no longer a reflection of guild power. In wom highly successful guilds could also have a small player count. In AO guilds are forced to recruit a large amount of members, no combat is required and no effort either.
Imo killing other clans should give a lot more infamy per kill or else island farming should be nerfed.

Perhaps make it so that each island gives less infamy and make it so multiple islands can be captured at once, this would increase how competitive infamy gaining would be and result in territorial fights. Which would ultimately result in the more successful guilds having to be skilled as well as having members.
Right now there is no territorial fights since players simply don’t need to. People can only capture 1 island each and most people won’t bother invading others islands


damn pristine what music you listening to



Honestly agree, and this is coming from someone a part of the problem :sweat_smile:


100%, if fucking DOGE NATION is on the leaderboard in the first 6 days you know something’s wrong with your game


On the plus side, people being often spread thin like that means you can just comfortably take the single SunCry player off an island: won’t win you the war but small victories, right?
Side note, I really like your smooth motion of you jumping onto the ship, very cool :+1:

It takes 10 years to claim the actual island however making it entirely not worth it even if you destroy the lone suncry member like 10 times in a row to even get halfway to claiming it.

Yeah the state of clans is so quantity > quality it’s kind of funny
Joined a game with a leader of a 90k clan, bounty hunted him because of 500k bounty and I was bored and wanted a fight, dude died and barely got a hit off
Super disappointed cuz I’m not even that good at PVP

It was stated that infamy will be reset on full release, pre release is being used to monitor the system and how it works/what needs to change

Tbh, would yall think crimson crescent be the better option (they’re 2nd place)

praise the light… of noble.

Actually enjoy the game… and go solo.

Isn’t there more fun playing with a clan though.
Parties exist for a reason. Clans also exist too for the same reason. Why do you think there’s a whole clan system with capturing and building.

I’m tired of people saying clans are not the right way to play. They’re built into the game and create major activities which ultimately drive people to play AO for longer.

If you don’t like clans, just don’t join one, it’s that simple. Sure you don’t get to take part in some of the fun stuff clans do like raiding the Dark sea together or clan tournaments, but keep on that lone wolf grind :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

I mean it’s not that clans as a concept are a bad idea it’s just usually the people who are in them.

Like literally every clan (including CC) has tons of weirdos and idk man it turns me off from wanting to be a part of that

I mean, doesn’t every friend group have weirdos? You’re just being yourself amongst people you’ve grown close to

yeah but my friend group is closed off and we act like normal functioning humans to strangers

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omg hi k4

Is this actually true? Do you have the quote anywhere? Not denying it at all just genuinely curious I must be outta the loop

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