The value list is a monopoly

Not many people follow the valuelist rn, in fact im pretty confident in believing that the ones who do follow the valuelist are in the minority atm

The galleon list does incorporate player feedback sometimes but player feedback is VERY hit or miss

Thats surprising, the way you wrote that is very similar to how AI writes :sob:

big smile mate
big wave, thats great
now the truth is overrated, tell lies out the gate

no seriously, what did you expect?

i dont follow the value list
however, i manipulate the players to give me a better deal

how :skull:

I hope that you dont use lies to manipulate them since thats scamming imo. Just lowballing is imo fine

nah i dont

psycological warfare

i do something far, far worse that i cant say here :troll:

Bruh? :sob:

Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I think AI was coded to write in an academic and somewhat wordy way to ensure the accuracy of information. In addition, I think the coders may have thought that by displaying information in an academic way, people of all demographics can read and understand it.

I just have a habit of over-analyze and over-intepret things, just a habit stemmed from studying at my university.

This is a classic

value list
W lowballers

To me, this video describes a commonly used tactic in business, that being to induce demand. A product can only improve or be sold so much until it reaches its capacity limit. Once that limit is hit, consumers got bored and move on to the next big thing which ruins your business. As such, the right thing to do to save your business is to induce demand, create a new market for your product, either by convincing a new demographic to have it or deeming anyone not having it a sore loser. In the mean time, expand your business into more areas until you practically sell anything or create your own ecosystem with its unique characteristics not compatible with any existing substance on the whole market. Slowly, you may establish yourself a monopoly, an “unthinkable” monopoly at that, whereby the dissapearance of your business would cause anarchy in the society as a whole.

what if the value of some things are so high because the value list people have alot of them and just act like it’s scarce?

also, you have to purposefully lower the quality of some products (such as light bulbs or sponges) so that people will keep buying them and not buy once and never again

:sob: I completely missed that. Well, in this case, it’s induced scarcity? LIke the items themselves are not low in quantity but are labeled as such.

sigh The video vocal was a bit too chaotic for me.

since galleons are worthless can we switch to something like coconuts as currency?


The arcane rothschilds conspiracy

We are speedrunning the evolution of currency over here. Although we may also be going backwards I’m not entirely sure.

That list is too arbitrary to enforce and rely on