i wish they’d migrate to miraheze or smth atp

you what
please tell me you’re exaggerating

Miraheze? yuck.

my man you’re on fandom.
literally anything would be better.

mfw people chose the greedy corporation over the higher quality non profit

Have you ever wanted the exact same thing, but with less community? I don’t.

I want the exact same thing but without 20 popups shoved in my face every time I click literally any button.

Make an account.

Only once. the other times i’ve just left the complaints in wiki coments, and they always respond

Stock has a crippling addiction to the discussion page, which is why they tolerate fandom

are you delusional and somehow think that making a fandom account is stopping them from bombarding their users with ads?

It won’t and it doesn’t.

I wish Vetex created a trello for all the game info. There are some cards on info but most are outdated. It would be a perfect place to go for game info

Well I stopped getting ads when I made an account.

You can also get Adblock

The Aegean sea does have the Azura province
Level 370 does sounds accurate tbh
Whoever wrote “biggest kingdom” is talking a load of bollocks though, the keraxe is obviously the biggest

Also the Aegean sea WAS almost called the Azure sea by vetex if anyone actually watched the last qna

Yeah, it’s certainly not unfounded, but there is a lot wrong.

By a lot wrong do you mean one thing

Okay Mr. Grammar. Frankly, no, I didn’t mean just one thing.

Uh huh okay and what else is incorrect on that wiki page

and that was NOT a grammar correction :sob:

Maaaaan, shoosh.