Theories on what Revon is gonna do when he comes back?

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He’s like Majima, soon he’ll have some power but he’s overall not super serious

I kinda feel like Revon will either train to become strong enough to attack us at some point, or when we’re in a later sea, he’ll hire the kingdoms royalty to hunt us or something, maybe Keraxe so we have a reason to fight them rather than make peace?

He’s actually planning on something way more dastardly than anything else any of you have said.

He’s planning on rizzing up Iris, Morden, Edward, and Neviro. He’s gonna try to isolate us.

I imagine revon to be one of the final bosses as the order will take him in and train him to be a vessel of his grandfather’s curse.

Oh uh dang. Never knew someone will use my work as a way to explain their theory. :fr:

That’s pretty cool. :fr:

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he’s going to
A. Have a character arc and decide to help the crew
B. Become comic relief and we curb stop the end of each sea
C. Fuck something up after we beat the “final” boss and causes the true boss to appear
D. He’s going to train to be strong as shit and still get beat

prob a mix of b and d, i think he’s gonna appear at the end of each sea, but for the first few, he’s no problems beating, being very comedic , but after like 2 seas he realizes he cant beat you with his current strength, so he train’s to be extremely strong and end up being a real threat by the end of the story

Forget Iris, I feel like he’s the person that even Neviro can clap.

Neviro is over level 50 and Revon is about as powerful as Iris is when we fight her, which takes place when we are around level 20. Neviro would destroy Revon in a fight.


Hmm, yeah, Neviro was able to fight equally against Iris as indicated in his journal. If Revon is roughly around the same level as her, pretty sure Neviro can stomp him too

I think Revon was more about socialising than being strong


Poor Revon, being stomp around by another weakling. :frcryin:

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Listen I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense lore wise he better come back for revenge and beat our ass

The MC watching as Revon comes back for the 4th time in a row:

Making him comic relief would be a terrible idea

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The fan artists would like to say otherwise

Jokes on him, I don’t care about Iris or Morden.

Now, if he killed Edward or the Dame, then I will be leveling the entire bronze sea.

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on second thought, while i do headcanon revon with the equinox curse cause its cool, Aethereal Flame would fit better for 2 reasons:

  1. The flame represents Revon keeping the flame of Calvus and Ravenna alive, but it also burns and destroys everything in its path with speed.
  2. The light is due to Calvus using Aether.

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