This does put a smile on my face

people are finally realizing that surge not being cancelable by grabs makes it broken


wouldn’t making surge not grab immune make it worthless? that’s what I always thought

if you can cancel surge with a grab it would be useless as a get off me tool (which the community wants it to be thanks to a poll later down that channel) because they can end the surge by grabbing you, thanks to the relatively long endlag this means the best move against someone using surge is to go in rather than get off

here is the thing, surge not being grabable encourages mages to come close, u cant win against a surge

and every time i grabbed a mage when they were using surge was bc

  1. they were very close to me
  2. they were almost dead, making the dmg i take worth it

you can always predict ur opponent bc they most likely wanna do some AoE move or projectile, and no sane person would go closer to surge, ur still forced to back away bc dashing will result in a negative dmg trade, if they miss their grab u still can come close to them, surge being grabable is only a issue if u breath down their neck

oh, I get it now, so you’re saying that if you use surge in the proper situations it would be a losing damage trade if you tried to close the gap for a grab and that’s the main problem?

i hope i got what ur saying (im a bit tired, sorry for any confusion)

but ya, if u use surge in the proper situation u will win the dmg trade, surge can still be use offensively even with no grab immunity (if someone is underwater, stuck in a hole or building) and u will still win

what happens now is that surge is just used in the close range, yes ofc if u come near someone u will get grabbed, ofc that u will get grabbed if u use surge when ur low on hp, that bc the dmg u deal with surge isnt worth it bc they have a short distance to travel to grab you

when the get off me tool is so good it becomes a get over here tool

surge could get a rework to make it more of a constant explosion around you with a small radius instead of an arc kind of thing that has long range, since it’s supposed to be a get off me tool

issue is that a get off me tool is what snare is supposed to be

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thats the thing, surge is SUPPOSED to be used in close range.
it has insane damage falloff.

that counter on how mage plays and how a get off me tool works

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Fym it does its job as a get off me tool
It forces people to get off you cause if they dont they take insane damage

people are using it as a “come here so i can kill you” tool rather than a “get off of me” tool by jumping into close range to use surge, making surge grabbable would discourage this
surge isn’t necessarily meant to be used in close range, it would ideally be mid range and not serve as a main damage tool- you use it to ease off pressure because if the enemy tries to approach you while you’re surging they won’t win whatever damage trade they’re trying

pretty sure that it will change to not cancel it but still do the damage but take with salt, sodium, water, and a little bit of that dark sea essence

now just add the knockback back and I will have a bit more respect for the balance team

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nah, Snare is the perfect get off of me tool, it just needs to get a slight nerf on the comboing.
Surge is stupid since it makes any cqc attempt a joke

Strength builds getting their revenge

now surge will be useless noooooo

Worthy punishment for nerfing thermo

only take them,… what, 2 months?

“ah yes, the uncancellable skill that deal continous damage and also grant its user damage reduction isnt remotely op at all”

Vetex trying not to make rare spells op and making most rare strength techniques useless (Uppercut)