This wotan dude

Scram, I’m tired with this, your just to stupid to accept the facts so there is no point in arguing

Cap, he’s the reason AA happened.
But the reason he’s not on the lore is because he has no association with the direct plot of the PK.

It’s the same reason Valencia isn’t included. She only by proxy affects the plot.

Then it is my victory. :crown: :cat:

Another Durza glazer destroyed by the power given to me by Morock

(oh and you really can’t be calling me stupid when you can’t get your point across without completely butchering it, then getting angry I read it the way it’s written lol; looks like theres only one real “stupid” one here)

idk bout that

Only exists so a cool sword can be added

Get the fuck out of here already your annoying

He is, the destruction of the Golden Armada directly caused the needed requirements for piracy to spread outside of just being the One-Shot Pirates, which of course began an age of piracy in the Seven Seas.
(if you scroll up you can find a more in depth explanation, i dont really feel like rewriting things over and over)

Sounds like cope. Thank you for giving me this W and for taking this L :fire:

Not even mentioned, one again referencing my prior post, stop saying shit from the webcomic
get the fuck out of here already your unwanted

It’s called using your brain. Im sorry you need everything spoon feeded to you :person_shrugging:
(its outright shown in the game)

its not from the webcomic brother it was in aa

Show me

errr when is that stated

please hop off morock’s sword of fire and leave

this whole topic was about wotan

Do you understand the concept of not being wanted here?

Yeah Grade-A cope.
Thank you to all those who fought valiantly in this war to protect the honor Morock Creed, the Hound of God.
( Credits to - Florence, Nicky, alive_d and Razaral for heeding this call )

No, seriously. This topic that was supposed to theorize how strong Wotan was heavily derailed into a debate about Morock’s validity.

I don’t know what happened, but it’s probably best to make another topic about this.

You sound angry. I only wish to speak about Wotan, as I did before you started this argument over your hatred of Morock lol.

guys lets speak about this instead of puppy’s schizo posting :shrug:

you would need to use some sort of energy to damage a curse user so only nukes would be viable and at that point a curse user could just camp in a city and fly away when he sees a plane coming