This wotan dude

He likely is going to be a jobber, simply because he’s built up to be strong. Plus, he’s the antagonist for only the first half of the game. Meaning you know he won’t last long (since room needs to be made for the Aesir).

Though, this may actually not be true considering Vetex says Wotan is his favorite character.

He’s at MOST “at their level”

Arthur = Morock > Prime Theos > Fraudza > basically everyone else

I swear to god you people could literally see Vetex saying that Wotan would one shot half of the curse users in the Seven seas and STILL say the war seas is “weak”.

It literally DOES NOT MATTER what curse he’s got, because he still stomps all the mid tier curse users in the Seven Seas regardless. The only ones who beat him are the ones that can beat ACTUAL gods, such as Arthur, Fraudza, Morock, Theos, etc…

unless vetex gives us some actual feats instead of glaze wotan is a fraud :yawning_face:

lol it kinda does

if he’s top tier in the war seas and he gets stomped by the top tiers in the seven seas then the seven seas > war seas ggez case closed

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Theos solos

John Dark Soul

onioncream you have my respect for spreading the seveners strength :pray:

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so whats the final tier list

It was on topic?? they’re arguing aboit Wotan

Hey, it’s me, your dry skin.

Vetex is not giving Wotan’s feats BECAUSE he wants you to learn it by the story in-game. (Which still isn’t here yet, but my point still stands)

I thought that said wotans feets

Mb too lazy to change now

But I wanna see his delectable tootsies now!

Maybe Vetex will just shove him into a wall while developing skyhall, and then he’ll forget about it so we can look into that wall and see him.

wotan jumpscare


Oh mb :sob::sob:

wait whos pk

Peace keeper, AA main character