Those who have been ganked by suncry, what is your opinion on them

Apoc fat, Thundrobin Fat, Aabraham fat, nuclear fat, drama fat, enderic fat, remliv fat, luna fat, k4 fat, crispytacos fat, lucky fat, lorettel fat, rayhan fat, bronco fat, achen fat, fusin fat, druid fat, mattheus fat, joito fat, misinput fat, kandy fat, boxi fat, esteban fat, power fat, jeremi fat, leo extra fat (forgive me I can’ be bothered to continue listing every suncry member :agony:)

Estaban and Kong are extra extra fat

:100: (3 characters)

imagine being in suncry

boxi rlly isn’t in suncry anymore, his account was deleted. idk if he got it back though

update yes he did

what guild is boxi in then?

he might rejoin suncry considering his account got unbanned idk.

U fat too

He got it back a WHILE ago. A longass while.

i have never been ganked by suncry and i have never been killed by a suncry member

Imagine NOT contributing free infamy to the greatest guild of all time?

jokes on you i’m not in a guild

I didn’t ask him recently if he got it back, I just checked 9 hours ago and saw him on wom earlier

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