Thoughts on 1.16 balance doc?

Some of the more questionable changes

This is a direct nerf to Sunken, cooked up by balance team

directly nerfs all exotic armour enchants. However, not all are nerfed equally. Weapon ones remain untouched while dual substat enchants will be better in stats efficiency than any other scroll if this change goes ahead.

Please keep it civil here…

1.17 balance doc will give sunken less stats than any common gear because its funny


The monthly substat nerf, same old same old


where is doc? also sunken at this point is going to be used for just defense if i passes frozen.

substat nerfs were for better scrolls later that will likely exist (why, i can barely get exotics)

couldn’t they give downsides to high investment if this is what they are scared of? high speed less size (by a very notable difference) or high power less defense/drawback?

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I’m fine with the hybrid scroll changes, it gives them a basic use

Healing getting nerfed while not even working is wild

Regen works in the current version of the game, 1.15.13.
The reason you might think it doesn’t is that it was gutted by the balance team, and does basically nothing.
So yes, its very stupid that they want to further nerf the already worst stat in the game.

(we dont talk about intensity)

nah bruh even intensity has some use unlike regen

Selectorch on the Sunken “rebalance”

Bro b team are the weirdest mfs they act so distant as if they’re running sum political campaign :skull:

I asked meta “whats ur favorite aspect about pvp” he says “landing clean shots” idek how to express how irritating that response is bro dodged that question as if i was asking him a hard question :expressionless:

Vetex doesnt even like the bteam he wont even talk to them :joy:



But wait… dont the nerfs just make them as good as boss gear - that is to say, worthless??

If you want a good set you NEED sunken warrior bteam is tryna change it so u can run other stuff too
Making sw more defence-focussed so if u want more hp for less attk speed


You dont need sunken warrior, ive seem good builds with Cernyx, Elius or Calvus sets. Yes, sunkens are more efficient than normal gear, but shouldn’t they be? After all, you need to fish for ungodly amounts of time for them. As long as its only say 10% more efficient than normal gear, I dont really aee that much of a problem.

Also people will inherently be mad because they grinded their ass off for sunkens, now theyre being changed, so some will have to regrind.

For meta pvp builds rn yeah you do

Wr want people to consider using other stuff except sw

That is true - however, you could also argue that people are using cernyx over dark bronze because cernyx gives more stats, or that people are using calvus over carina gear because calvus is more stat efficient. The logic stretches on indefinitely - where will balance team stop? Are they gonna nerf everything to iron armour level?

I get that Sunken warrior is just a straight up upgrade to cernyx, but thats a sunken warrior problem - sunken iron shouldnt be touched imo.

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Were not nerfing many boss armours theyre in an alright spot rn. Its mainly sunkens due to how prevalent they are in the meta right now

Im not a numbers gal so idk much beyond what i said… what i said is my own reasoning behind it

I agree with your reasoning, but not B teams execution.

Imo, sunken warrior should mever have been added - or at least not as a direct upgrade. Im of the opinions that sunkens should be unique armours. Maybe defense plus agility?

Can’t wait for sunken champion to return and invalidate the grinding people did for sunken warrior