Thoughts on allusions, item asylum, and other randomizers?

also allusions had a touhou update so it wins

Item Asylum and Allusions are just inspirations off of Infinite Welfare.

They’re alright but they both play similar with allusions just being more weeb-y

THIS is a randomizer that deserves to be remembered though


randomizer my ass just equip the same 999 damage gear and auto win fights constantly

its quite amusing that remilia was the strongest boss event in the game upon her addition.
Then they buffed her even more.

Just because skill isn’t involved doesn’t deter the fact that it’s a randomizer.

Also the fact you said same “999 damage gear” shows you have not played catalog heaven in a long time :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

oh sorry i didnt want to get spawncamped by another fucking bastard who keeps hitting me with a hyperlaser beam

randomizers are fun
i honestly don’t mind when stuff’s too unbalanced

allusions to me is a bit too complicated, it’s not as pick up and have fun like IW and IA. A lot of the items are pretty complex instead of the randomizer staple of just “click to do this”. It’s by far the most polished but if i’m being honest, you don’t play randomizer games for the polish.

IA is fun and is the one I’ve sunk the most hours into. I actually have the double cash gamepass on it. It’s fun for hours on end and it doesn’t really get old cause some maps and gamemodes vastly change the gameplay, like the stud map (if you know, you know.)

I actually only played IW once, but from what i got, it’s also a pretty awesome blast. It’s pretty hectic as well.

Bloody Battle (which wasn’t mentioned but i’ll bring it up anyways) is sorta like a bloody Item Asylum with less content. It’s more frustrating than IA though in my opinion.

My personal favorite randomizer game is, well, Randomizer.
It’s hectic and it’s polished, but it doesn’t take itself too seriously like allusions.
The best part is, all of the randomized weapons can turn into a random wacky loadout, like a melee only playstyle or a set with a really slow firerate. It’s fairly balanced as well, but it does suck when you’re stuck with a gun type that you particularly dislike, like getting a Sniper Rifle.


Theyre great but get filled with exploiters as fast as it took their parental figures to leave the home

only one i’ve seen exploiters in is item asylum which is the one i’ve played the most.
maybe i’m just lucky idk.

i actually don’t think i’ve ever played randomizer before now, i’ll try it when i get a chance.

i figure i’ll state my experience with the main 2 in the title (the ones i usually play)

item asylum: i have 850k total points, about 20k kills, and own most emotes (every one aside from gakuen and whatever that new 250k one is)
it’s currently getting stale and some of the balance changes and modes make me want to pit a hole in my wall but it’s still a fun time with friends

allusions: generally the one i prefer, i have less time in publics than IA but i’ve spent a ton of time labbing combos and such in my vip (28 hit yamato combo, brick whistle of madaras mimicry true killcombo, etc)
it’s not getting too stale as updates are common enough to keep me interested in playing and practicing.

i would recommend both of these games.

I agree especially since terrible balancing is bound to make a game awful.

I have no idea what this is though I believe the fumos are from this right?

God, catalog heaven…

Orbital flutes is peak gameplay

Unescapable rabbit hole (we have good music)

Item Asylum is hell and I love it

don’t worry bro
ia ain’t an allusions copy until it gets an update where every weapon has a paragraph long explanation of what it does and the moves it can do and like 20 unnecessary and overcomplicated mechanics unique to each weapon like:
“if you successfully land a full combo against your opponent, there’s a brief window where your avatar’s buttcheeks will clench and when this happens you have only 1/10th of a millisecond to scratch your balls, type out penis on your keyboard, recite all 62.8 Trillion Digits of Pi in the in-game chat, and piss into a jar and throw it out of the window. If you time it correctly, you will perform a rising slash that knocks the opponent away.”

Good. The kind of goofy, dumb fun roblox was designed for in the first place. Item Asylum specifically helps to remind me why I started playing in the first place, way back in good 'ol August 2010.

item asylum except it’s about running and maintaining a real and functional mental institution and the items consist of drugs designed to treat and hinder mental illness, batons to deal with unruly patients, therapy toys, and medical clipboards.

Asylum with items