Thoughts on casual players?

I’m a casual player that enjoys pvp. When I’m lazy to grind or something, I do Munera pvps with only my brother, and he has like 100+ wins while I only have 20+ wins. That’s how awful I am at pvp. Maybe 25+ of his wins are from the meta builds he’s using. He kinda quitted AO so I’m left alone. There’s this craving for pvp that needs to be satisfied, but I don’t wanna ask anyone since I’m quite hesitant to do so. (Yes, I’m that player who barely tries to interact with other players.) If someone tries to gank me, I just fight back and see who wins. It was somehow fun(?) I both hate and enjoy it, I dunno.

I think this discussion is pretty far along… so here’s a question. How do you think the problem with high skill (or high crutch abusing) pvp players ganking lower skill people for their renown (especially the assassins) could be solved? I’ve seen a few suggestions here, so let me put my two cents on them:

Arcane Government Rep Equivalent: I don’t know much about this option, but it might be good? Separating renown to be used for pve while there’s a reputation stat for PvP can put these issues to bed. If you can only get reputation from PvP, and you gain renown based on how much reputation you gain from the kill, that stops ganking for renown.

Disabling Global PvP (to then have designated pvp zones that have high reward for venturing into, like the dark sea): This isn’t going to happen, but it 100% prevents the issues of being ganked when you don’t want to be. Games like Runescape do this. When you enter a PvP zone, you know the risks.

Specific player PvP disabling: Again, probably not going to happen? Maybe? I think this is the best choice, though- you get to disable your PvP at any point, but it is forced on based on where you are. Munera Garden, the Dark Sea, or after you save a criminal from near execution- it’s also permanently on if you’re over a certain amount of renown. Again, since 500k seems to be the limit for PvE that could be the limit to where you can’t turn PvP off with this. You can’t be knocked below this point if you’re above it, no matter how much fame you would otherwise lose. If you’re at that point and lose more renown, then you would go below

Any other solutions/suggestions and I can edit this post with them

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not “solved” but AOs pvp with casuals issue can easily be severely negated by…

Adding an arena server.

I still have no idea why vetex is still so reluctant on doing this. But whatever.

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im a victim
i got spawnkilled twice solely because i dont know how to pvp and im savant build (which is weaker than a piece of paper)

also partially because the first time i got spawnkilled i was lvl 43 and the enemy 125 with 6 digits of bounty


Safe to say that this thread gained enough traction to make some good change. Let’s just hope that the discord pvpheads (which has been brought up before as a very vocal amount of people in there) don’t try to stop this stuff from happening. I’m glad changes like this are being seriously considered.


Make cities safe zones or add extremely powerful town guards to fight off mayhem makers like in WoM

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? i dont get it

it would be a good solution, untill you realise everybody is going to camp in the non-arena server
also it messes up the whole ‘global pvp’ thing

you cant hurt or be hurt by players at level 43 (players under level 50 have a pvp shield)

I agree yeah. Back in wom bad reps are occupied with messing with the Magic Council instead of players

then it was 43-63
or the player was hacking

I dont think hacking would change anything, you cannot take dmg from players

Very glad to see that post because so many good points have been made in this thread that I hope will make a difference!! I also hope that lots of yall with suggestions will continue to contribute ideas over there or other places because I have so many thoughts about how stressful this game is for a casual player but absolutely no idea how to explain or suggest things lol, but the replies here and over there have been sooo good and I appreciate all of them !!

maybe barrels?

nope tried myself ngl lol, it’s physically impossible to dmg players under lvl 50, or the method is extremely obscure

i have like 200k renown and have ben jumped a few times as a casual. my renown is so high because i continuously beat my rival half to death in order to get treasure charts for map completion. Love potions are my best friend man

I had one of the top 10 players come and ask me to fight. He was nice enough to let me go to Redwake and turn in my cargo but before “we” fought I showed him love gel. He asked what’s that and when I told him he attacked, and i attacked back ending the fight. He then went and attacked my ship but with a shipwright nearby it didn’t bother me.

I have 226,000 bounty and 19 PKs.

I’m completely fine with them, because I, in fact, am a casual player myself. I much prefer PvE to fighting actual people.

that’s actually really fucking annoying
yes i’m a pvper, and i do the exact same things he does, like letting people finish treasure charts, or waiting for them to turn in sealed chests, and for you to just waste his time by using a love gel really says a lot about how bad the potion system is. what vetex really needs to do is change how we get deckhands as a whole because renown is ruining the game