Thoughts on casual players?

you know what, i’ve got the suggestor role now, i’m gonna compile the renown changes into one post potentially

ALSO, can someone explain to me in detail how AGR worked? I want to work that into the suggestion somehow

People put a lot of blame on deckhands for bounty hunting, but to be real I just do it for fun. Im not putting in all that work for another 15 speed on my boat, I do it because I enjoy it

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That’s good! You enjoy doing it, therefore you do it. I feel like the issues come from the PvP sweats who kill anyone because they feel like getting their renown

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I dont notice them.
They usually dont notice me.

Some log.
Some dont.

A few try and kill me and die.
A few try to trade random stuff. And sometimes I’ll accept their offers.

But for the most part.

I just dont care about em.
I dont know em.
They dont know me.
No point flying to a nest of pigeons as a raven.

this sounds like a poem written by a 14 year old

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look I wanted to say “they’re randoms I dont know em” in the most genuine way possible.
Sorry if it sounded edgy.

Im a casual player, and too be honest I kinda suck at the game, I kept getting combat logged when the game first came out though i wasnt in combat, so ive had a perpetually low reputation.

PVP SEEMS interesting, but I do not want to invest time that could be spent doing other things in learning all of the meta, for I feel that would take the fun out of the game.

I play AO to explore and adventure, so PVP isn’t too interesting if it’s just for mindless grinding. New updates interest me but I feel that the new mechanics need something more to supplement them (dark sea). They get me interested, but aren’t enough for me to stick around.


Hey I like Casual Players, they’re practically the heart of AO aside from the degenerative bounty hunters/gankers in the game just always thinking about killing lol. I’d hate to see anyone to be disheartened to play the game cus of said PvPers because they understand the beauty of AO’s simplicity yet creativity in characterization and implementation of “Character Files”.

They’re also very friendly (and they dont attack you the moment you hit them) and what I personally think are the true audience of AO.


I wish that if they were truly the core intended audience of AO, they weren’t being pushed away all the time by the sweats…


As a casual player, when I get killed/assassinated by someone while playing, I’ll block them and join a new server. I’m dead serious. I don’t care if it’s a pansy move or whatever, it’s funny as hell and a viable solution (To me at least)

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Today someone tried to spawncamp me at Ravenna immediately and i didnt even notice so i spawned my boat and started sailing away lol, to which they tried to jump on but fell, spawned their boat and started chasing me, sending me multiple messages about me being a coward and should turn back and fight them. After going all the way to the jaws and zigzagging for awhile when they were still chasing me, I went all the way to the back of pelion rift and left the server :rofl:



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I hate PVP but it turned out I’m really good at Ship vs Ship so that is fun

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On god man. I had 400 fame on my light conjurer build and a damn assassin’s syndicate glass leg warlock comes up to me, fights me for ten minutes, and actually manages to kill me. He had 40k renown too. What the fuck is up with them?

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I remember once i had below 500 renown or so and yet two assassins tried to attack me.

And I was with a friend, who had much more than I.

@Imalettuce Yeah, but what were your and your friend’s player kill count? Because I’ve noticed that a lot of the people who hunt me gloss over the others in the server with 500k+ fame and 200 player kills to target me (~120k+ fame at any given time and 7 player kills). The reason I know this? I check everyone who joins the server and monitor the player kills of players with bounties to see if they’re hunting. If they’re not getting any kills, I know they’re hunting me, plus I get that feeling of being hunted beforehand, which leads me to check their kill count. I even caught a guy doing that. I was doing diving points up and down the western part of the map, so the guy couldn’t find me for the longest time since I was “sailing the Bronze Sea.” I go to Shell Island to do some brewing and here he comes! An Assassin Syndicate member! With only 26 kills! I was an easy target in his eyes. Funny thing is I still managed to leave the game before he could kill me. He even threw a slowness III potion at me while I was brewing but then he just stared at me for a second, probably to see if I’d react. Then I ran, climbed up some cliffs waiting for combat mode to go away while he desperately tried to hit me (if I remember correctly he was a sailor-ice warlock—imagine that!), and then I left. Better luck next time, LOL!!!

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Right now I have 55, but that was well before then
So I think I had like 45 then

In that case it seems like they were just being petty. Dang. :sob:

Honestly I don’t really even get why there is an argument against casual gameplay, like yeah I get there is a large competitive fighting oriented community of AO but the actual purpose of AO isn’t a PVP game, it’s a story/exploration adventure with combat features.

this is so true
i used to find myself picking the target with lower player kills when deciding two high bounties to hunt, it would be embarrassing to ambush someone just to get your ass kicked yk

not anymore B)