Thoughts on casual players?

Good on you for moving past that :muscle:

I remember being around level 70 and fighting some assassin’s (npc’s) to level up my fighting style. Then a maxed out warlord spawned and proceeded to kill me as I was fighting an npc.

You’re exactly right. A couple months ago I was debating people on the Discord server about global pvp and used that argument, but it didn’t matter because they just couldn’t wrap their head around the fact that I don’t want to ambush people and ruin their playing experience given the chance. They kept arguing that adventure games can be pvp oriented, and that Blox Fruits was one of them. I don’t play that game so I don’t know how true that is. It’s like they derived all their fun out of inconveniencing people :sob:. Shortly after I realized that bringing up any sort of criticism for the pvp system will only bring out the toxicity in people, I haven’t talked about it since on the server. I don’t understand why those kinds of people get so butthurt about it. Most casual players have no problem with pvp. They just don’t want to be the target of a sweaty metamancer while they’re in the middle of something. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, this could be fixed by simply separating fame and renown, fame for pvp and renown for pve/storyline. The existence of deckhands is the root of the problem and they should be hired for money with a certain renown requirement. No one can convince me that these deckhands haven’t heard of us after we destroyed Fort Talos and murdered a king.


wait a minute.

hold up.

Blox fruits.



alright your friends are like 12 or something cuz ain’t no way they said blox fruits is actually an adventure game

They’re just some rando on the server, and yeah, they did say that.

blox fruits is definitely not an adventure game, it’s a simulator.

(a pretty money hungry one at that too, I don’t care how cool mochi v2 looks, the entire purpose of the game is to consume your wallet.)

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Regardless, the moral of the story is don’t bring up anything bad about global pvp on the Discord server or you’ll be swarmed by offended supersweats.

Wow, people are gonna defend global pvp in this game by using Blox Fruits, which if I recall correctly, has an option to turn off your ability to pvp people for if you don’t feel like having your day ruined?

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Not exactly, when you get killed your pvp is disabled for 10-15 minutes but you can turn it back on if you want

I thought I remembered there being a pvp disable button though on the left? Was that for only re-enabling it when u die? Damn. I don’t play that game much anymore

Yeah that’s only for enabling

I’ve stopped playing too lol I think I’ve gotten in like twice since AO came out

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Tryhards/LB farmers and lack of PvE content is what made me quit this game

I’m not gonna spend 50+ hours learning a mediocre combat system for a game that barely rewards you for it outside of LB, and still probably get killed by metamancers or teamers

An option to disable pvp is the only way to fix this. Honestly you’re barely losing anything from this. Really, what purpose does the leaderboard even serve? (Nobody cares that you grinded one of hundreds of thousands of games on roblox that averages about 2k players)

so true king, ain’t nothing to do until dark sea :sob:

chad tbh

There are a couple things to do pre-darksea.

Mostly trading to get that perfect set of gems to help you survive in the dark sea waters.
(5 10% breathing gems and prepping a bunch of another specific stat to hopefully get 5 10% swim speed gems when tide T2 reagent is added)

i think that potions can help you make up for gems, just place some brews on your deck with water breathing and agility

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Your way of writing is peculiar and unique. Keep at it.

If you break style, we’ll know you got hijacked.

void century from one piece but its a void hour

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simply go fame, you’re like 10x less likely to be hunted at all.

Nope. I’ve been hunted by an assassin’s syndicate idiot while having 400 fame. Fame makes little difference in getting hunted from what I can tell, even in very little amounts.
