Thoughts on casual players?

Just to make sure it’s on the forefront: what’s peoples opinions on how the vetcord server seems to hold the opinion that casuals are free renown or shouldn’t exist moreso than the other options I put on the poll? I bet that the poll results would be much more skewed towards casuals=bad if this poll was somehow put on Discord instead

i need a badge for this

I never knew vetcord became that way but I am completely unsurprised

send the copypastas, I wanna see how bad it got.

from JTN in odyssey feed:
Are you happy now that I finally lost my cool? I hope someone does the same thing to you. I tried to be chill, and now here you are. Fine. You win, I’m seriously angry. You know what, I don’t even care about losing at all, because in the end you’re still a lazy wimp, lazier than I’ll ever be.

I’m done.

Fuck you, you insignifcant bastard. Your father was a dog and your mom was a snail, which is why your so slow. You’re too lazy to actually try at the things you can do, and I hope you can feel as angry as I am right now. You are literal trash.

You’re as blind as a chicken with it’s eyes gouged out, I bet you have rolls of fat while you sit in your gaming chair thinking you’re better than everyone else. In all your posts you act like some high and mighty know it all.

Fuck you, you stupid little bitch. Shut up, like seriously, stop typing. Every word I put into this computer is my own. No wonder you went fire iron leg, was wind mage too hard for you? Fucking bastard.

I can’t believe I ever actually thought you were my friend, you were looking down on me too, weren’t you. You know what, who cares about people respecting you? Why should I even care about it myself?

You people act like I’m some small dog in the way.

You are trash, you’re a literal waste of space. Reusing someone else’s insult is like giving the teacher a book from the library and saying you were the won who made it. Lazy bastard.

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Wow you must be a comedic genius fuck watt you cant do pvp so all you do is say shitty jokes like these all day because your life is miserable and you desperately need attention you pathetic, miserable piece of human larvae go get a fucking life Amy Schumer wannabe dumbass. I have never met anyone this sad before in my life that make shitty jokes in <#977390689774108714> there is nothing sadder than this so go touch some fucking grass u fucking maggot piece of shit go get a life because you definitely dont have one so just listen to my advice and do something useful u lazy sack of shit. You have no purpose in life so all you do is sit in ⁠<#977390689774108714> all day and make shitty jokes like these with your idiotic brain that has close to 0 wrinkles in it you piece of shit. Its always the dumbass piss names making these shitty jokes that have no sense of humour and cant watch a vid longer than 10 seconds because tiktok rotted their brain and all the jokes that they can come up with are shitty jokes.

I’m gonna be real with you.
It wasn’t and isn’t funny.

guarantee you 90% of them said that as a joke, since vetcord and most discords in general lack humour

one paragraph and even if my man hadn’t already said that he made him say it, I can tell who this was targeted at

Their lack of humor implies they are serious

As an owner of 3 chihuahuas, key dw small dogs are GOATED beyond belief (no this is not sarcasm)

by humour lack I mean taste

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Still, if Vetex sees it often it’s led him to saying that he doesn’t want to reduce the pvp half of things because of his “die hard pvp fans”, i think that’s what my friend said
They and I have rarely seen a gen 1 or gen 2 player who are pvp tryhards. Most of the sweats are gen 4 or 5

yeah it sure is adorable when you accidentally forget to feed the littlest one and wake up with your ear town off

anyways let’s just forget key ever happened here

by die hard fans it would mostly be the people dumb enough to ping him/spam reply him when he does type in general

Hey that’s less pet food money :person_shrugging:


I really, truly hope Vetex sees this thread

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my main problem is the goddamn metamancers. all those fuckin losers making fun of children who simply picked what they thought was COOL rather than what was the ‘META’ then proceeding to kill them for their goddamn bounty despite the fact that they arent even max leveled and then saying theres a skill diff :unamused:

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we love thermo lords powertripping because they can’t lift a stack of paper irl!

I do wonder on vetex’s plans for the Dark Sea. Will he give hunters a handicap so they can hunt people in the Dark Sea easier or will he release all handholding?

If somebody you’re chasing runs to the Dark Sea and you lose them that’s just your fault, but how will hunters find people already in it? This could cause an issue of only lower leveled people being huntable but also could make it so pvpers are more attracted to pvpers since they won’t be in the Dark Sea