Thoughts on casual players?

real, i grind for all the necessary PVP boss drop buffs and potions and jewelcrafting, but to actually stand a chance in a fight? nope.

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Its mostly in reference to seeing the lowest lvl a Legendary Deck Hand can be which will have a requirement of 200k it seems.
@SomewhatUnnamed You seem to know more about this than i do so is there also anything more to add towards this?


Yeah i agree though, the 20% bleeding synergy buff to fire and lightning really pushed them up for metamancers to use. fire specifically, because if fire has 20% now then shouldn’t thermo also have 20% more damage?

it doesn’t matter if the initial requirement to gain is low

if you want to level up that deckhand, you need as much fame as it’d take to hire or upgrade them if they’re at that level, and for deckhands that give small amounts of a stat (speed and turn speed are the big ones) then this can mean you’re not getting much out of the deckhand even though you have it

But with the latest updates, now you also get to miss out on a whole part of the game: Clans. Jist yserday I was jewelcrafting when I got jumped and killed and I lost 350 infamy.

Honestly, with the PVP culture I’ve been considering not playing until the dark sea update. I already have enough money to get my hands on the brig, and enough to get my friend a brig too. I don’t want to lose fame or infamy.

That’s valid. PvPers who are too dumb to even try to do anything else but jump people are all around the corner, and unless you want to love infamy (if you’re in a clan) or renown and galleons, it might just be the best option

im not either, i stopped playing a couple days ago im so sick of bounty hunters and pvpers. like i j wanted to get a high fame so that i could get deckhands, but i dont really give a shit anymore as ive gone from 50000 to 1000 SO quickly bc of them.

like misinput said since dark sea is legit a pve players dream im waiting for that bc the boats n shit is what i like most… also i like stories too.

Correct, but the thing about this though is that once i get my Deckhands, given the current system we have, i almost have no reason to upgrade them any further than what i initially can…

So until the Deck hand system hopefully gets revised/improved on upgrading for me and probably many others isn’t something thats considered when picking them. I take what i can simply get cause i ain’t grinding to 1.25m Renown or something just to see the light day of maxing them out. (If thats even the current requirement… I don’t remember enough or care enough to think to that high amount since it’s just asking to get into Pvp sweat territory.)

I mostly choose them if they have the right stat, cool enough name, and adequate drip. Once those 3 are met im happy.

it is 1.25m renown, i saw a legendary level 125 for hire and it costed that much

In my opinion, all deckhands of a specific tier should cost the same amount of fame, and then the levels determine how many galleons it costs to upgrade them. Then, deckhands gain XP whenever you do.

I have a theory. I think a lot of people know that A.Os been dying. What if it is BECAUSE of pvpers, who won’t let people enjoy the game?

i am worried about pvpers trying to sink my boat, but honestly if i cant be good at hand to hand combat then BROTHER im gonna be the most META PIRATE SHIP CAPTAIN EVER ill be so good at shooting cannons but ASS at pvp itll be SICK :smirk: :smirk:

500k renown seems to be the uppermost limit for pve before it gets to be a slog (thanks to the 50% reduction at that point) so maybe all legendaries should cost that much

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dudddde honeslty boat battles could be so much cooler if it was expanded upon. like imagine all the things you could think of for it, imbuing magic into different aspects of boat fighting in the same way its done for a warlock with their fighting style theres an endless amount of possibilities.

like ik theres magic cannons BUT LIKE theres DEFO potential for more ideas bro thats why im so PUMPED for the mortar.

edit: ive legit responded to like three of my own posts as if im not even paying attention to the discussion anymore im sorry i go on tangents its a problem

I mean… Its mostly due to the lack of replayability. Cause sure while i may have my 28 files but the moment i fufill my 3-4 files of each path at the least, gain titles i want, and minmax the Stat Build Gimmicks i place onto files. Im going to be riding along with other ppl of starting to find there’s not many things to do and play less.

Happened to me w/ Wom.

There might be some influence but i personally don’t see it currently. Might be due to me only having reached ~150k+ Renown recently and not being involved in Guilds since release to not see it but i wouldn’t rule it out as the sole reason.

We are in EA afterall.

later learned that deckhand level (atleast on higher tiers) appears to be capped by your renown

I see, thank you~

I still personally think that ranks should not be leaderboard restricted, all it does is promote unnecessary toxicity. If I would make changes to PvP in general, it’s reimplementing a system that is similar to AGR. Ranks should be determined on how much AGR do you have.

This current system just makes me hate PvP in general, 2.2k+ player kills and all I felt is dread

who tf gets mad at casual players
unlike friendlies in tf2 there’s literally no reason for you to hate them
if there are any players who dislike casuals then they’re either like 10 years old with way too much free time or haven’t left their computer seat in a year


well they should also go outside and get some sunlight to fulfill their vitamin d quota which is also an essential need yet you don’t see any of them complaining about that specifically