Tier 2 of Fighting Styles


When the mortal kombat reference is sus

Your art has inspired me.

Thermo Fist → Solar Style
Sailor Style ->Tsunami Style
Boxing → Wrestling
Iron Leg → Titan Leg
Cannon Fist → Mortar Fist

Additional gimmicks:

  • Solar Style allows you to seamlessly link heat throughout your body, transferring the flames from your hands to your feet on a whim. Now that you can use techniques with twice the limbs, this leaves more opportunities for quicker and stronger combos. You’ve learned to withstand even more heat than before, to the point it flares like sun fire. Even being grazed by Solar Style techniques can leave lifelong burn scars.
  • Tsunami Style can create whirling pools of seawater that slow down enemies and deal lingering damage, but this requires way more seawater energy to use. Thankfully, you can hold it in abundance now.
  • You can control the winds better, causing victims of your knockback to travel through the air at a slower pace, leaving more openings to attack. The best wrestlers have been sighted causing hurricanes with their mere presence.
  • Your legs are stronger than ever, and as you started hitting harder, you had to strengthen your iron coating to keep up with it. It’s still not enough, however, and your metal seems to be prone to shattering from the sheer force that you can now strike with. Dealing damage can form cracks in your iron leg, and every few hits it will shatter, inflicting Gouged instead of Bleeding and leaving behind a wide field of spiky rubble that deals more damage if your foe stands in them. Your Titan Leg regrows right after it’s shattered.
  • You have mastered the art of throwing with Mortar Fist, and now holding a cannonball is like holding a feather. You throw cannonballs with such force they generate shockwaves as they travel through the air, generating explosions before even impacting their target. Every throw is like releasing a mini-Pulsar.

This was a good read, I really like this concept more :clap:

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Basic combat should turn to radius fist

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Perfect for all drunk driving sailors! or is it drunk steering? the real question is if the navy considers it illegal…

(also like the idea of tier 2 fighting styles, sounds like something to go along with magic mutations, the thing that was planned for AA)

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“How did the canon lose its job? It got replaced by me”
-T2 canonfist user, probably

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Ehh there entirely different

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3rd awakening at the complete end of AO be like

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Not really considering in only fighting radius was a basic combat move that would give basic combat moves aoe like radius fist.
Also since I didn’t see radius fist anywhere else in planned fighting styles (could be wrong) I imagined it would be an upgraded basic combat. And it doesn’t differ that much from it other then that it has a larger area of effect

it is listed

I like how its in canon that salor fist users power comes from drinking sea water lol



Oops, didn’t notice Dani_Cowpoke above this one

Would be interesting if shattering it was a way to fill the mastery bar, every boost to mastery changes the appearance gradually until fully mastered where it just inflicts gouged on every hit and no longer shatters.

Of course this means that the other tier 2 styles would need something similar. Wrestling is that intense hurricane like winds as a visual (also strengthens the blows). Solar Style can maintain it’s heat for longer and maybe visually this is shown as you condensing it into your body more (less leakage). Tsunami style could have an aura that gradually becomes more abyss like (aka darker). Mortar fist could start out a tad small but with the pulses but as you master it it’ll go faster and have larger shockwaves.

For the second time, where is base combat…
Base combat honestly is just as good as other fighting styles
Consider it like the “middle ground” just like how fire is in magic

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Advanced Combat
Every time you land a hit, your combo counter goes up. at full combo counter, every hit will apply comboed which stacks damage up to 10 stacks, increasing damage by 2.5% up to 25%

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imagine you could smack people with it tho

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Came up with an idea for Basic Combat T2.
Superhuman - Intense training has allowed you to access hidden reserves of strength not normally useable by the human body, causing your fists and feet to generate steam like energy as you fight, augmenting your range and power.

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