Tier List for all Upcoming 190 Magic Combos

Just head to your local slave market - make sure to wear a mask, it's important to be socially responsible during a pandemic!

The code was written in python, making use of the scikit-image module (which has many features, though I only used it for reading/saving image files to/from arrays).

I had to download the 20 image files from the wiki, which were helpfully all the exact same size (200x200). Then I just stiched together new files by copying an image, and overwriting half/a third of it with another image.

import numpy
import math
import os
import skimage
import skimage.io

existingCombos = []

for f1 in os.listdir(r'Single Magics'):
    filename1 = os.fsdecode(f1)
    array1 = skimage.io.imread(r"Single Magics/" + filename1)
    for f2 in os.listdir(r'Single Magics'):
        if f1 == f2:
        filename2 = os.fsdecode(f2)
        if (filename2, filename1) in existingCombos:
        existingCombos.append((filename1, filename2))
        array2 = skimage.io.imread(r"Single Magics/" + filename2)

        newArray = numpy.array(array1)

        xLimit = array1.shape[1]/2
        for i in range(array1.shape[0]):
            for j in range(array1.shape[1]):
                if j > xLimit:
                    newArray[i][j] = array2[i][j]

        skimage.io.imsave(r"Double Magics/" + filename1[:-10] + " and " + filename2[:-10] + " Magic.png", newArray)

existingCombos = []

for f1 in os.listdir(r'Single Magics'):
    filename1 = os.fsdecode(f1)
    array1 = skimage.io.imread(r"Single Magics/" + filename1)
    for f2 in os.listdir(r'Single Magics'):
        if f1 == f2:
        filename2 = os.fsdecode(f2)
        existingCombos.append((filename1, filename2))
        array2 = skimage.io.imread(r"Single Magics/" + filename2)
        for f3 in os.listdir(r'Single Magics'):
            if f1 == f3 or f2 == f3:
            filename3 = os.fsdecode(f3)
            if set([filename1, filename2, filename3]) in existingCombos:
            existingCombos.append(set([filename1, filename2, filename3]))
            array3 = skimage.io.imread(r"Single Magics/" + filename3)

            newArray = numpy.array(array1)

            xHalf = array1.shape[1]/2
            yHalf = array1.shape[0]/2
            for i in range(array1.shape[0]):
                for j in range(array1.shape[1]):
                    if (j > xHalf and i < yHalf
                    or j >= i and i >= yHalf):
                        newArray[i][j] = array2[i][j]
                    elif j >= xHalf-(i-yHalf) and i >= yHalf:
                        newArray[i][j] = array3[i][j]

            skimage.io.imsave(r"Triple Magics/" + filename1[:-10] + " and " + filename2[:-10] + " and " + filename3[:-10] + " Magic.png", newArray)

whoa . . .

mmm yes glacid

freezing does nothing so wind and ice does nothing

Yeah, but against Wind/Ice, everything does nothing.
Wind/Ice covers (almost) every status effect, so you can stop your opponent’s combo from working by just tapping Shift every 3 to 5 seconds. The Frozen synergy is just icing on the cake - what makes Wind/Ice good is that nothing works on it, so you can solo everything with Wind (which wins when soloing stuff).

statuses don’t matter if you get beat to death by raw dmg
also wind and ice cant clear bleed or crystallization which can two shot someone if they are combined

crystal/Metal should be higher cuz landing two hits with those magics does 70% of a tanks health in two shots and one shots everything else.
Also clearing statuses take time and in that time you can just get punished for trying to do so. I punish people charging all the time.

They clear bleed but not crystal, scorched, or petrified

oh thanks for telling me that… wait which one clears bleed?



point still stands tho

Ice clears bleed - the only significant status the combo doesn’t clear is Crystalised, though Crystal/Metal and Crystal/Light users can’t clear Frozen either so it’s not exactly the best matchup.
Crystal/Metal in particular can’t go faster than 0.7, so you can just range it with Wind.

Clearing statuses doesn’t take time - you tap shift, wait 1 second (doesn’t need to be while charging), and the status will clear. Then you get a further 2 seconds of immunity to that status.
Clearing a status is a big deal, and way easier than applying one - you effectively lock your opponent out of that synergy.

Crystal synergies suffer from not being able to clear anything at all, which is why they’re not very high. I could probably put the Crystal synergies higher (they’re pretty good), but I got lazy the list is objective fact (until someone makes their own list).

Crystal/Lightning users be like

yeah ok man.-.

also frozen is cleared by every magic in the game cuz you use a spell and its gone.

They probs meant freezing because freezing is more important.

Also you can’t high jump out of frozen while your midair which’ll make it a lot more interesting.

just use a normal blast or hover

Hover is hot garbage and not unlocked at level 100 I don’t think

Blasts get countered for free chip

hey its true look i even proved it in the first post

Yeah, it’s more a small annoyance than anything else - your gameplan is just winning with Wind, the +20% damage+freeze is just an added extra.

Forcing your opponent to cast a spell can sometimes give you a free Ice hit, which is +25% boosted, so it’s not entirely worthless.

how is hover garbage?
also blasts if you win every clash in the game (me Iron) you cant hit me.

depends if they are good at defending themselves