Time Rifts - Darksea Boss Fights

Time Rifts - Darksea Boss Fights
effort 4.74074074074074 54 quality 4.679245283018868 53 reasonability 4.183673469387755 49

Pretty cool idea although old bosses can’t really just be copy and pasted with how much combat and such has changed in AO compared to AA and WOM

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its more the point of how easy it would be to recreate them.

Trigno uses a default red-tshirt and pants, and magma magic.

Verdies uses purple colored pirate gear and plasma magic.

The most difficult one would be theos due to pheonix magic not being in the game, and even then its not like he has to be added.

This stretches the lore pretty thin and is kind of goofy, but I like it. It adds more content while just reusing previous stuff, and people will probably like it because of nostalgia. While I didn’t play arcane adventures* that much, the bosses will probably need a revamp since we have different movement and abilities now. A bit of a glow up, in internet slang terms. The unique drops might be a bit much though, effort wise and grind-play wise (so many new and rare drops) so I might consider removing most of them and simplifying it.

*edit: lmao goofy mistake here

Bumping because yeah I agree

idea sounds sick i’d love to see a revamped version of previous bosses and new ones from lore. Hell even fighting the peacekeeper after they aquire the absorption curse would be sick. I know its called a rift here but it could just be a mirage if vetex wants to make it so. Spec characters can also be added this way too.

overall sounds cool asf i like it :+1:

I REALLY like this idea. I would love gear from Theos and have a weapon or something that has phoenix magic in it, but there’s one thing I’m confused about. WoM is from the past in comparison to AO lore, to before the battle between Theos and Durza, so calling it future fights doesn’t make sense. They’d just be past boss fights. We could instead potentially have boss fights that involve us taking the place of someone who wasn’t the main character fighting a notorious character from the lore, like Durza from when Theos fought him before the continent got destroyed or Curse Beard and call them Visions From Another Life. Or you could scrap my idea entirely since it doesn’t matter.

Ig, but it wouldn’t make sense lore-wise for berserkers or warriors to have too much of a chance at beating them.

(also having energy does not = using it, as it clearly states literally 1 sentence before)

i love this epic!

that would be so sick

this probs the first suggestion that i think is s tier

As far as I was aware, WoM took place after AA, and it was a landmass created by the Peacekeeper (the AA protag) to put an end to the petty squables of man that have led to the destruction we’ve seen over the story.

this guy just does not stop cooking

I try to come up with smart ideas. Ive been a fan since the original AA.

I can see ways the game can improve, and in ways that aren’t listed on the trello, like the fruit juices idea.

Right now the game is just lacking real stuff to do, deepsea diving is cool, and so is searching the dark sea, but it doesn’t really have any meat to it. Its just resource collecting.

People want stuff conventional to fight and to collect.
The sharks generally are designed against this and instead are for ship combat.

The logic behind this was designing an idea that reuses as much already implemented systems from the game as possible, so it can be developed alongside the update for implementation, since it be reasonably easy to recreate almost everything from the bosses.

Arcanium ship pieces exist, Many bosses from AA already have implemented magic, and most of their gear is recolors of gear already found in the game or literally the default outfit you pick on character select.

Many arenas in AA were simplified landmasses and the 3 WoM bosses were fought in flat plains or in a very simple throne room, so recreation should be easy.

The most complex items can just be implemented at a later date like the unique weapons such as Rigel’s apothesis or the Doom Staff. Since I don’t think vetex has designed magic only weapons yet.

This is probably the update I want most implemented (sorta tied with fruit juices though), because it would vastly help keep player numbers up, and it gives Vetex a buffer.

He can implement a few recreated boss fights between updates to keep interest up. Make it a big deal to put up the smoke screen that updates are coming out faster when its actually just properly spaced easy to develop content.

Its something that benefits everyone.


Gonna be real with you, the boss fights in original AA sucked.
They were either annoying as hell or too easy to be annoying as hell.

If this was added, the bosses would have to be reworked from the start to make them actually fun and challenging to fight.
Theos was the closest thing to an exception, but that fight was still carried by the music honestly.

I mean look at the original Maura fight, the entire arena was within his near oneshot AOE and he could just slowly force choke spam you until you died or got annoyed and reset. No way you’re saying that’s a good fight.

Having the AA and WoM bosses balanced like Argos (Excluding cheese) would be really fun, Vetex might have to insert a lore explanation but there are still many NPCs who don’t currently have dialogue so it would be quite easy for someone in Ravenna to say something about tales of sailors claiming to see events from the future or past.

I thought that WoM took place waaaaaaaaaay after AA and AO. Like, a millennia since those events happened.

Then there’s Kairo, where Ramses just flings you out of the tower with his big sandstorm, into the sky, and straight into the sea.

There’s also Verdies, who may give you a lot of trouble if you have a beam magic (Shorter range than blasts)

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It does. Weapon skills and fighting style techniques both use “magic energy” albeit in a different form. That’s literally the main premise of the skills we have in the first place. It’s pretty much just in a different form thus being why it uses the same energy bar as magic.

your opinion

I do agree with your take on the current state of the game and it’s main overall flaw: It lacks meat. It’s as large as an ocean, deep as a puddle. I want more, I don’t feel that accomplished in AO. Better, more unique loot, or more randos/lore to find, or hell, just overall more. I have hope, but I can only be on hopium for so long before the damn medical bills come on rolling in.

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