Today's the day

bro shall return :fire:

Who is this random

He was a lad with some real amazing argue capabilities and lil anger issues. It was thrilling to look at the posts he participated in, it looked kinda like the Aster incident that happened lately.

Realistic isn’t a random bud. He TRULY isn’t.

Seems p random, never heard of him

If he was a random this post wouldn’t exist.

Idk man he’s a random and this post exists


have thou ever considered that perhaps, you’re the random?

simply asking questions :grinning:

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chat who is this random that i never heard of?


why would that be mutually exclusive

i thought this maria person was just someone that banana didnt like their topics when you said “Annoying” “Harassment” would be a better term

@NickyZ1 ^

Chat who is this random

Who are BOTH of these randoms?!?

Chat who let this random talk

it says you joined december 23rd 2025
Me personally i joined december 22nd 2025

Ya I’m a time traveller now who let you talk random

bro AO already finished vimir sea and stuff its like 2026 february 2 rn

Bro is tryna be a fake time traveller, as someone from 2030 I can confirm we’re still waiting for nimbus

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