Today's the day

Is that GYATTbanana?

i’m late

cant be acting like this on black history month
if i have to stop everyone else has to too :rage: :rage:

oh shit it is too
i am going to have to go apologise to a few people

no way, he grew and improved as a person?!

no i was joking


no be more racist

grinders gotta grind guys

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not that i’m into grinding guys but fair enough

yea this is true
do not care about realistic banana in short bro is just a jerk smh

you do not want the smoke lil bro…

realitic banana im csared :fearful:

bro hes literally about to bring the rapture we gotta make ourselfs a bunker :fearful:

i’m coming…i’m going to come…
you better hide, nerd

bring the nuclear bomb (me and fartman have a bunker)
@fartman1314 start packing stuff up in the bunker bomb arrives in 30 AO minutes
take all your exotic scrolls, armor, ingredients, food, etc.

oh and before anyone says im an annoying user that makes low quality posts/too many posts:

  1. most of my posts are from comments that are usually contributing to a conversation
  2. just ignore :joy:
  3. ive changed

done, we must enter

why did this thread get 177 posts for fucks sake

this was just supposed to be a joke post about banana returning

he is the messiah

bro has NOT changed