Top 2 Longest Messages on the Wom Forum

I was too lazy to count who had more words but Ladies and gentleman give it up for @Danny_Zou and @lookingforabargain for the top two messages in discourse.

Honestly Danny is a seasoned writer with many stories so it was expected of him but even lookingforabrain showed off his writing skills.

Here are the replies -

I honestly thing that lookingforabrain’s comment has more words but who cares.

Naughty, Naughty. You got me.

ok but like does anybody remember that one noble hate post that was for a really long time the most seen post i think

Definitely not the largest post on discourse, most of the words were just quotes. I think I have a longer post from a while back if we’re not counting quotes.

i dont think this is the largest post on discourse, but its likely the biggest one here on the wom forum.