Torch response (ft. Pie Debates)

Didn’t watch it cuz school chromebook, can someone give summary?

and is it valid?

I will join you on searching for someone’s summary. Videos are not loading for me at all.

Same boat.

The thread from earlier was closed so I doubt this one would hold out for long

I want an apology video where they just say nuh uh and then disappear forever

8 minutes of a blank screen afterward of course (dat revenue)

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tl;dw(didnt watch): (context: torch gets accused of grooming and trying to e-date a 17yr old as a 21 year old.)

  • According to him, they were only close friends and their jokes and comments were mistaken as sexual comments due to being out of context.

  • He also admmited to once have thought of developing something with her although he claims that these feelings are gone and they led to nothing. He also believes that a 3 year age gap is ‘nothing’

  • Torch was also accused of trying to groom somebody else but he claims that they were 18 and they both had each others consent. He also says that they asked him to clarify what actually happened.


Is it selectover???

  • It’s selectover
  • Allegations false, we’re so selectback
0 voters

yea this reeks of bullshit :skull:

it’s so selectover


Selectorch and Cain knew eachother for 3 years and all this corny stuff was their jokes. There were screenshots as a proof, although I don’t understand what made her report him. I couldn’t see the rest of the video cuz the guy I was watching it with left.

But from what was shown, yeah, he is unguilty as I thought back in regular’s chat days ago. Since it was strange to see that she didn’t block him for 4 months and now we see that they were friends.

Probably just drama over some stupid things which ended up into digging on eachother through dms history.


Eh, something feels a bit off, but if everyone think he’s truly innocent then I’ll just blow this off as nothing else more than something weird that happened.

still calling them freaktorch though.

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I will also make a tldr of his points, sacrificing myself to watch fully through



still confused as to why he dipped from every server though

I mean imagine the amount of hate mail and angry dms he would get. if you ever get some massive allegation dipping from spaces that would attack you for it is the right move

yeah i agree but feel like he should at least try to justify himself or leave a note explaining why he leaves rather just dipping without a word cause that will only cause more suspcision

If I was him, I wouldn’t even get enough willpower to try and fight back.